became apparent that he was taking one of those big steps in life. Asking someone to marry you, regardless of gender, was a major step. It also meant, in a funny way, that he was getting older. Gone were the days of childhood games, and now began the trials of manhood in adult life.
The ringing doorbell brought him out of his musing. He got up and opened the door to find two cute, smiling faces staring at him. “Come in guys, welcome!” Pat said as Hank and Shawn walked in and took off light coats.
“Hi, guys,” yelled Dean from the kitchen. “I’ve got some snacks prepared for us until Pat orders the pizza and sub,” he continued.
“Need any help?” asked Shawn.
“Only in eating all of this,” replied Dean.
Pat pulled Hank into the living room as Shawn went into the kitchen to chat with Dean. “So, when do you want to pop the question, or have you changed your mind?” Pat asked.
“Changed my mind? Hell no, I haven’t changed my mind. How about after the pizza, so that if our mates get carried away with joy, we can just carry them away!” Hank suggested.
“Okay, that’s sound good. You’re going down on one knee to ask, right?”
“Yep, gonna do it right.”
“Excellent!” Pat responded.
“What’s excellent?” Shawn asked as he and Dean entered the living room.
“Oh, I was just telling Hank that the Redskins are playing the Eagles next Sunday at FedEx field,” Pat replied.
“Oh cool,” was the only response from Shawn and Dean.
“Do you want to get to the cards now, or wait for a bit?” Dean asked.
Hank looked at Pat and before Pat could say anything, Hank said, “Shuffle the cards!”
Everyone went into the dining room and took their usual seats. It was poker and the various versions of it for a couple of hours. Finally, Pat looked at his watch and announced that he was ordering the food.
Everyone took a quick break while Pat called the pizza joint and gave them the delivery order. The manager happened to be a motorist that Pat had stopped one night, and given a break too. Even though he smelled a light scent of booze on the man’s breath, Pat didn’t believe he was under the influence enough to arrest. Instead of arresting him and taking him in for a breathalyzer, Pat put him in the cruiser and drove him the nine blocks to his home. Tonight, Barry, the manager at Pizza and Subs To Go recognized Pat’s name and repaid the kindness. About thirty-five minutes after the order was placed, the doorbell rang. Pat opened the door to find Barry with his arms full of food. He handed Pat two large pizzas with everything, and an overstuffed three-foot sub. Pat paid for the food, of course, but got much more than he ordered.
“I just wanted to thank you for the break you gave me the night you pulled me over. You scared the hell out of me, and now, if I’m planning on drinking, I have a designated driver,” Barry said.
It took Pat a couple moments to remember who Barry was. “Good, I’m glad the break wasn’t lost on you. You’ll stay alive a lot longer this way—not to mention some innocent member of the public.”
“Good night, Officer St. James, and thanks again”
“Good night and thanks to you too.”
Hank had overheard the beginning of the conversation and went in towards the door until he could tell if this was going to be a bad situation or a good one. When he realized it was good, he went back to the dining room.
Pat brought the food in and set it up in the kitchen. The fully loaded pizzas and sub made a mountain of food, which the four men dove into. After many appreciative sounds about how good everything tasted, a few belches, and a couple sighs, eating for the night was finished. Everyone smiled with that contented look that said, “I just stuffed myself to the gills, and I feel great!”
“Let’s go into the living room and let this food settle. Dean, you and Shawn go ahead and we’ll bring the coffee,” suggested Pat.
“You’re going to wait on us?
Jennifer Skully, Jasmine Haynes