the pebbled surface seems to become louder the further it gets out from my reach, before coming to a stop halfway in the road.
By this time, the zombies are only a few feet in front of us, and Nick is doing his best to shoot them all on his own, but there are just too many undead. Even if he did have enough ammo, he still can't shoot each one fast enough before they're on top of him.
God knows, he's trying though.
I'm just turning my body over to scramble on hands and knees to get my gun, when I hear Nick's screams. Screams filled with terror. Vicki's own screams soon join his.
Chapter Seven
I whip my head back to Nick and am horrified at the scene playing out before me. The zombies have reached him and are tearing at his clothes, ripping his skin with their nails as they grab and pull. Their dry, gray, wrinkled mouths stretch wide, and their blood-stained teeth gnash together as they anticipate the warm flesh and blood that represents all that Nick needs to live.
I forget about the gun – little good it will do Nick now – and scoot on my ass toward him and the undead. I scream at Nick to get down, and as he lets himself drop to his back on the ground, I kick at the zombies' kneecaps – bringing some down to the ground, and knocking some back a few feet. Nick sees what I'm doing and starts kicking them, as well. One of the undead has come around from behind the others and is making his way to the side of Nick's head. But I see him and spin on my butt until my legs are over Nick's head.
At first, Nick fights me, not knowing a zombie is about to latch onto his face. But when the rancid mouth comes down onto the walking cast instead of his nose, Nick stops fighting me. When the undead lifts its head just before coming back down for another try, I slam the bottom of my boot into its face and gag when its nose explodes. Greenish-red goo thick as jelly globs out of the hole in its face and onto my cast. Every instinct I have wants me to jerk away from the contact of the rank-smelling globs, but fortunately, my brain sees the danger of letting that crap fall straight onto Nick's bare face and I manage to keep my leg where it is.
Taking my other foot, I push the zombie back with a forceful kick and Nick flings himself to the opposite side of me before the zombie comes back for more. When it does, I trap its neck between my cast-covered leg and my good leg, then snap its neck in one fast smooth move. While its neck may be broken, the zombie's still not truly dead. So I take my booted foot and slam the heel down repeatedly, until the brain matter inside its head is now a jellied mess covering the ground. Satisfied that this one's biting days are over, I spin back around to help Nick with the rest.
Our legs and arms are tiring fast and I'm scared, really scared that we won't be able to kill them all. Destroying a brain isn't all that easy, with just your hands and feet. Nick and I are lying side-by-side on our backs, using the last strength of our legs just to keep them away, unable to do more than that at this point. I look at Nick just as he turns his head to me. Our eyes lock and we recognize the exhaustion, the fear, and the regret in each others eyes.
His regrets are probably much different from mine, but they're just as important to him as mine is to me.
I watch as a tear makes a trail from the corner of Nick's eye and down through the dust on his temple, before it sinks into his dirty, sweat-soaked hair. I reach out and grab his hand.
As we hold on tightly to each other, we keep kicking, but the kicks are barely making the zombies take a step back. We're almost dead and there's nothing we can do about it.
My legs are shaking from fatigue and pain, my back is scratched by the rough surface of the sidewalk where my shirt has ridden up. A rock has punctured through the skin in the middle of my back, digging deeper with each movement. I ignore all of that and close my eyes tight, terrified of that