tongue for the rest of his life. He rested his forehead against hers. Shit. The rest of his life? Was he out of his mind? This was a fling. A chance to find out if what might have been could be explosive, the sexual Super Bowl—not the start of a relationship.
“We need to go somewhere else.” She nodded over his shoulder. “We have an audience.”
He peeked in the direction she had indicated and suppressed a chuckle. A middle-aged woman with platinum curls winked. She pursed her crimson lips as she leant forward. Sure, she gave him a luscious view of her cleavage, but hers weren’t the breasts he wanted to savour.
“Why don’t you let me walk you to your door?”
“The foyer is fine, if you have to go.” Macy stepped away from him and waved her hand, as if to swat him away.
“A kiss like that and you want me to leave you in the foyer?” Tanner stopped short. Had he misread the connection? He crooked a brow, not content to give up and play dead. “Couldn’t we negotiate a bit more?” At least enough to melt her defences a little further. “I’m not the same heartless shit I was in high school.”
“You don’t give up.” As she spoke, she led him into the foyer, her fingers tangled with his. “Unless you get what you want, you won’t back down, will you?”
At the elevator, he caught her up in another embrace.
“I’m a guy. We’re hardwired to keep trying even when we know we’ll be shot down.” He traced his index finger over her kiss-swollen bottom lip, proud that he had created her reaction. “And I’m not ready to give up until you’ve called my name at least three or four times tonight. But hey, I’ll back off if you’d rather. I’m thick, but I’m not stupid.”
“Oh, fine.” The bell dinged and signalled the car’s arrival. Macy’s words came out flippant, but the glitter in her blue eyes told a different story. “You can take me upstairs, but don’t get any ideas that this will lead to anything other than a night of hot sex and scintillating memories.”
Tanner thanked God when the door shut before other riders could enter the elevator car. He wanted Macy to himself. “Which floor?”
“Fourth.” Her voice came out gravelly and low. She averted her gaze.
“Mace, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” Tanner pressed the button and cocked his head to consider her. Maybe she had just needed the time to come into her own. Did she realise how amazing she looked? Were her hands trembling? “I’m all for starting a fire with you, but I don’t buy your BS about wanting to be alone. I’m willing to bet that tonight you’ll decide you really do want to settle down—with me.” He clamped his lips shut, afraid to say more.
“I don’t know why this is so hard—I want you, you want me. Seems pretty simple without the settling down part.” She spoke to the floor, but he heard every word. “I love a good fire, but I’m warning you, I’m just not a relationship type of girl.”
The car stopped at her floor before he could question her further. When her wide-eyed gaze met his, he melted for her a bit more. She toyed with the strap of her purse, picking at the beaded decoration.
Tanner measured his words carefully, sure she’d changed her mind. “I’ll walk you to your door and bid you goodnight.” He yearned to push, to make her see how much he cared but, at the same time, he wanted to give her an out.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
“I want you to come in…me.” As she stepped from the car, she hooked her fingers into his belt loops and tugged him to her. “I asked you to come here and the night’s just beginning.”
Desire flooded his body. Forgetting where they stood, he scooped her into his arms and fused their lips. He swallowed her whimper and delighted when she dug her nails into his shoulder to draw him closer. “I’ve waited for this moment for so long,” she murmured. “No, I don’t want you to go.”