Aren’t we lucky?” Shawn smiled and took Dean by the arm as they left for the living room.
“Okay, I’m gonna get the ring; where’s yours?” Pat asked.
“Right here in my fanny pack, next to my gun,” Hank responded.
While Pat went to get his ring, Hank poured two cups of coffee and fixed it the way the other guys liked it. He took the coffee into Dean and Shawn and said he would be right back.
“Well, you ready to do this?” Pat asked Hank.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Look, let’s do this a little different. We’ll both go in, sit down next to the guys, and I’ll ask Dean first. When I finish and sit back down, then it’s your turn, okay?”
“Great. Let’s do this!”
Pat put the ring box into his pants, grabbed his own cup of coffee and together with Hank, joined their partners in the living room. They sat down and sipped their coffee while they talked about little stuff of no consequence.
Finally, Pat cleared his throat to get the room quiet. He put down his coffee cup, got up, and stood in front of Dean. Dean looked up with a puzzled expression and asked, “Is everything alright?”
Pat retrieved the ring box from his pocket and concealed it behind his back as he got down on one knee.
“I’ve been in love with you almost from the first moment I laid eyes on you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, and no way that I could love you any more than I do at this very moment. I want to spend the rest of my days with you and build a life together that we can be proud of. There is no other for me but you. Dean, will you marry me?”
Pat then presented the ring box to a shocked Dean. Dean leaned forward to look at the ring and knew that Pat was dead serious. He took the ring, kissed it, placed it on his finger and said, “Yes, I’ll marry you because I love you more than I love my own life.”
Pat and Dean embraced and kissed. Shawn was just as stunned at Dean was and when his friends broke their kiss, he began to clap and got up to offer his congratulations. Hank did the same, trying to contain his excitement.
“Let me see that ring,” Shawn said and Dean proudly held out his hand. The ring was even more beautiful on Dean’s finger than it had been in the jewelry case. They all hugged and sat down with tears in their eyes.
After a couple minutes of happy chatter, Pat calmed things down to give Hank his chance. Hank stood up in front of Shawn. Shawn smiled thinking Hank was going to ask him if he wanted more coffee. He was surprised when Hank got down on one knee.
“Oh my God,” said Dean.
Shawn’s mouth fell open as Hank began to speak. “Shawn, I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw you in that 7-11 and can’t imagine ever wanting to be with another man. I love you so very much. You make me happy, and I hope I make you just as happy. Will you spend the rest of your life with me as my married mate?”
It was Shawn’s turn now. “Oh my God!”
Hank pulled out his ring box and opened it and a bright beautiful diamond showed forth. Shawn began to cry and put his left hand out so Hank could to put the ring on his finger. It looked incredible on Shawn.
“Yes, I’ll marry you! I can’t believe you want me for good!”
“Why wouldn’t I? We love each other and you’re one fine piece of ass!”
“Oh, my God, you’re such a romantic,” Pat said aloud and then laughed.
Shawn was laughing and crying and finally flung himself at big ole Hank. The two of them fell over onto the floor where they began to make out. In between kisses, Shawn asked a million questions.
“Where are we going to get married? When are we going to get married? Will there be a honeymoon? Who will do the ceremony? Oh my God, will we wear tuxedos?”
“Yeah, what about all those questions. Honey?” Dean turned towards Pat.
“Well, shall I tell them, Hank, or do you want to take junior there up to the guest bedroom and tell him?”
“I think we can wait for that till