we get home, but you can answer the questions,” Hank said.
“Okay. guys. We’re going to get married in Boston, by a Catholic priest friend of mine with the Old Catholic Church. The date for the wedding is December twenty-fourth of this year. We haven’t thought about what we’re going to wear yet, nor have we thought much about a honeymoon. There’s still time for that. Does that answer the initial questions?”
“We’re getting married on Christmas Eve?” both Dean and Shawn asked at the same time.
“Yes, earlier in the day on Christmas Eve. Actually, getting married in a church will be great and it should be very beautiful. We have two suites reserved at the Doubletree that sits right on the river there in Boston. I made the reservations four hours ago while Dean was in the shower.”
“Just what would you guys have done if either Dean or I had said no?” a smiling Shawn asked.
“I for one would have shot you on the spot,” replied Hank.
“So are we actually going to have a double ring ceremony?” Dean asked.
“Yes, that was our intention. Do either of you object?” Pat asked.
“Not me,” was the reply from both fiancés.
Everyone was all smiles and tears. Happiness reigned supreme in the St. James household. At both of their houses that night, no one got any sleep until almost sunrise.
Chapter Six
In the weeks that followed, Pat and Hank went from arresting prostitutes to working homicides, which was the work both men truly enjoyed. When someone took another’s life, it was up to the police to track down the responsible party and see that justice was done.
In their personal lives, Shawn and Dean had taken over the planning of the wedding or, more precisely, the honeymoon. Once they asked if their husbands to be could get off work for ten days after Christmas, the boys set about arranging for a beautiful honeymoon that would be both elegant and conservative.
The hardest part for Pat and Hank was convincing their bosses to give them vacation days at that time of the year. They were junior detectives and ranked low on the scale. Their old sergeant from uniform days had been transferred to the detective bureau and was now once again their direct supervisor so Pat and Hank went to him and laid their cards on the table. Realizing that the department could never officially celebrate the fact that two of its rising stars were getting married, the sergeant approved the leave over the objections of some detectives in the squad. In return, Pat and Hank gave up any chance of further time off in any choice season for the rest of next year. This was a compromise they readily agreed too.
Both Pat and Hank agreed to not be told where they were spending their honeymoon until the day after Christmas. They would simply pack the car, and drive where they were told to drive. It added to the fun of the occasion for both couples.
Winter set in and the snow began to fall. It was now Thanksgiving, and Pat and Hank were hosting a small family style dinner for Hank and Shawn and a few other friends. In total, there were twelve people around the dinner table as Dean and Pat set the turkey down to be carved. Everyone remarked how beautiful the turkey looked as well as the rest of the house.
The next day, Dean dragged out the fake Christmas tree and when Pat came home from work, the house was a winter wonderland set for Christmas. There were electric candles in the windows, the tree was up, a wreath hung on the door, and truly, the feeling of Christmas was in the air when Pat walked through the door. The only thing missing was the train set which usually ran around the base of the tree with the little houses and people set up between the two halves of the track.
Pat changed out of his suit and into comfortable clothes and came downstairs where he was met at the foot of the steps by Dean with a cocktail in his hand. They went into the living room and sat down to sip their drinks.
“The house looks beautiful,
Angela B. Macala-Guajardo