agreed. “Something about this time was different. All I know is around eight o’clock, Brandon found me feeding the penguins and asked me to let him out. He said he had forgotten his keys and we had already locked up for the night. I let him out the front door and was headed back to the penguins when I heard the first scream.”
“The first scream? So the shark bit Paul more than once?”
“No. The next scream came seconds later from Debbie. She made it to the tank room before I did. She—”
“What was she still doing there?” Megan cut him off. “She works in the gift shop. The place had been closed for two hours. She should’ve been long gone by then.”
“I don’t know.” Drake shrugged, a small part of him amused by the question. He could actually see Megan slipping into detective mode. Her question only substantiated the pensive expression on her face. “When I reached the room, she was bending over the side of the tank, trying to reach Paul. I saw what she was doing, saw all the blood and Paul sinking to the bottom of the tank, trying to swim away, but he didn’t have the strength. The tiger shark was circling the top, getting ready to attack again. I dove in after Paul, shielded him with my body the best I could, and pulled him out just before the shark came after us. I sent Debbie to call 911, but I already knew it was too late.”
Megan sipped her wine, her gaze moving from him to a point across the room. He knew she wasn’t really seeing anything around them. She was lost in thought, picturing what he had just described, and attempting to understand it all.
“It doesn’t make sense,” she said after a long moment. “You and I both know how sharks attack. They aren’t the vicious creatures people make them out to be, not unless they’re provoked.” She looked back at him. “Did you catch the name of any of the officers that responded to the call? Did they investigate at all?”
He hadn’t needed to catch any names. He had recognized one man the moment he had stepped into the facility. “Jerry Cusack.”
“Cusack was there?”
“Yes, and he questioned me repeatedly. I practically ran down the entire day second by second for him, everything that happened today right up until the moment he walked in.”
“Did he tell you anything?”
“Yeah, to go home.” He didn’t add the sense he had gotten from Cusack that the sergeant would have much rather slapped a pair of cuffs on Drake’s wrists than to send him home. Drake had only crossed paths with Cusack a few times back when Cusack and Megan were dating, but he had caught on real quick that Cusack didn’t like him. The man obviously felt threatened by Drake. He had picked up on Drake’s attraction to Megan, an attraction Drake hadn’t bothered to hide from the man, and had let his jealousy fly. Drake hadn’t given a rat’s ass then any more than he did now. He wasn’t into stealing another man’s woman and never would have made a play for Megan when they were together. Still, he hadn’t seen it as his fault if Cusack had wanted to butt heads over a few looks and a friendship.
“But instead you came here.” She didn’t ask why, but he could see the question dancing in her eyes.
“I came here.” He didn’t offer any further explanation, and she let it go at that.
“Paul talked to me about you when I was there today.” She paused, licked her lips, and his gaze was instantly there. Her pale-pink tongue trailed over her bottom lip, and his cock pulsed painfully. He wanted to feel those lips locked around her shaft, feel her velvety tongue as it licked across his sensitive flesh. “He told me I should call you when you got off work tonight.”
Okay, apparently she isn’t letting it go. And isn’t that interesting? Paul told her to call me.
He thought about his last conversation with Paul and knew Paul’s suggestion to Megan couldn’t have happened more than an hour or two before the man had started drilling
Misty Evans, Amy Manemann