Banshee Angel Of Judgement

Read Banshee Angel Of Judgement for Free Online

Book: Read Banshee Angel Of Judgement for Free Online
Authors: Billy Young
Tags: Haunting, Horror, gothic horror, ghost story, banshee, scarey
to o long amongst us. Bringing fear, pain and torment
upon us whilst pretending to be of a kindly heart but her,” the
odorous man wagged his finger in the direction of Helen, “evil
deeds have been uncovered for us all to see and now we shall have
our justice.”
    The crowd
yelled their approval, chanting as one, “Kill the witch.” Rotted
turnips and other vegetable matter rained towards the unfortunate
    Her hatred
clearly visible in her eyes ,
burning as the man chosen to carry out the terrible deed moved up
to her rear. He held a rope in his hand ready to garrotte the
condemned prisoner but as he prepared himself for the task a
figure, newly arrived pushed his way through the throng feebly, yet
those close to him made way.
    “ Wait! Wait!” the old clergyman cried as loudly as he could as he reached the reason for
the gathering.
    “ Ah the good
Minister,” the sheriff looked contemptuously at the ill looking old
man, “what can we do for you.”
    “ This is
wrong and you know it,” the aging minister said with
    “ She was found guilty by her peers of casting of spell to
the detriment of others and so sentenced accordingly as is the
policy of the church whom you represent,” the fat man said with a flourish as the crowd nodded
their approval.
    “ You have no need to tell me of the church’s standing on
these matters but it is for the church and not you to judge in
these matter s as well you
know,” the elderly man drew on his limited strength hoping he could
at least do something to ease the poor girls suffering. “You sir,
would send this so called witch to her death without first allowing
her to confess her sins before the Lord.”
    “ We gave her more than enough chances to confess but she refused though if you so wish to
try again then be my guest,” he moved to one side to let the other
man approach the figure bound to the wooden post, gloating at him
as he passed.
    “ Oh, my dear child I should have known, I should have
protected you better,” Reverend Adams said apologetically as he
undid the gag to let the girl find peace before death claimed her.
    “ You have nothing to fear my mother’s friend,” croaked Helen
once her mouth was free of the obstruction, “but for all of you
others who have falsely sentenced me to death I call a curse upon
you, may the screaming of the banshee tear your very souls to ever lasting
    The old man
regaled backwards horror plain for all to see at the curse uttered
by the now self confessed
witch, as they now saw it. The sheriff gave a nod to the
executioner who quickly prevented the witch from saying anything
further, choking her till life appeared to desert her.
    “ Burn her!” A
cry went up from the crowd; the fire wood was quickly piled around
the lifeless girl as the crowd applauded.
    T he old clergyman left
the scene his heart breaking as he went at hearing the girl he had
baptized all those years ago, the girl he had tried to look out
for, calling down such wrongs on the towns people no matter the
reason for it he could not condone such a thing. By her very words
she had justified the barbarity of the crowd and now he could not
hope to defend her memory or hope to obtain at least a Christian
burial for her.
    As the fire
took hold of the wood Helen roused from unconsciousness. Pain
seared into her mind, her screams shaking everyone present and
chased after the old man headed back to his church; a scream that
would haunt his memory till his death as it would for so many. As the fire consumed her life it
bore a new form in the scream that could bring fear to the hardest
of souls.
    Death was
gratefully received as the fire melted her flesh. She didn’t wait to see how they would treat her
remains. She knew she needed an anchor to hold her to this realm so
she could seek the revenge against those responsible for the wrongs
done to her.
    Her spirit
passed over fields, through the woods to the place she had known as
home; to the

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