The Mating Call: Drekinn Series
supervisor, sweetheart, so I'm going to the meeting and anywhere else you are planning on going afterward," he said softly and firmly.
    "Ya think?" she ground out.
    "Oh, I know, sweetheart," he replied.
    He could see she was having a hard time being so close to him. Their arousal scents were combining and filling the room with a sweet, tantalizing aroma. He wanted to kiss her so frickin' bad, but he held off; Kade was certain she would not appreciate it right now. He could do her dance but when all was said and done she would be his.
    "Call me 'sweetheart' one more time, and you are gonna end up flat on your ass," she whispered menacingly.
    Kade grinned; she should know not to pull a wolf's tail by now. They would rise to the challenge. His wolf was howling inside him, wanting him to tame his mate. Kade whispered back with a soft breath, "Bring it."
    Calli sucked in her breath but refused to pull back. She would not be dominated by him. Her wolf would not allow it. He could see her wolf trying to come near the surface and fight him. She had amazing control. Most wolves he knew would have accepted the challenge he threw out, and they would be fighting by now.
    They stood nose to nose, staring at each other for a few minutes, neither of them breaking eye contact. The tension in the room was rising to its breaking point. They both could feel it. Kade waited; he would be the victor here.
    Before they could settle this little disagreement, there was a loud knock at the door and whoever it was didn't feel like they had to wait, because the door swung open. Kade never took his eyes off his mate, and neither did she. They stood like statues facing off.
    It was Brooks; he could scent the Warlock, but more than that he could hear his chuckling.
    "Looks like you are getting along well, there's no bloodshed. The meeting, we are all waiting for you two," Brooks said and waited while they both stood up straight still keeping their eye contact. "Shit, quit the pissing match," Brooks said and stepped in between them, breaking their stare off. No one won; no one lost. They were still on equal footing.
    Calli growled behind Brooks when the Warlock took Kade's arm and began to steer him to the door. Brooks stopped and turned around surprised. She had never done that to him before apparently, if Kade understood the frown on the man's face.
    "Stand down, Commander," Brooks ordered, and Kade turned his head to see Calli looking at the hand resting on his shoulder. "Okay, what the fuck is going on?"
    "Nothing," Calli ground out and stalked out of the door.
    Kade and Brooks watched her leave without a backward glance, and Kade grinned again. This was gonna be some kind of fun , he thought.
    "Well?" Brooks said and waited while Kade watched until Calli was out of sight. He turned to his boss.
    "She is my mate," Kade responded.
    "Well fuck a duck, son; you have your work cut out for you." Brooks laughed, "She will not go down easily."
    "Just the way I want it," Kade said and followed the direction his mate had gone. Brooks shook his head, following, laughing the whole way.

Chapter 4
    Calli couldn't believe she had just growled at her boss. Her wolf had been pissed when the other man touched Kade. She was feeling the sexual tension and wanted to claim her mate. But that wasn't going to happen, she told her wolf in her head. She would not be tied down like a pretty, little housewife yet. She had more to do, and Kade needed to understand that. They would talk later; she decided, and then she would tell him that she was not going to mate anyone. Maybe she could say it convincingly enough to actually get him to back off. She was going to have to go home and get her purple, supersonic vibrator to keep at the office as it was.
    Calli entered the meeting room and looked at all the people who were there. All the lead Commanders from all the sections and their tech geeks. Her friends sat at the end of the table with an

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