Cristal - Novella
thousands of YouTube videos, which Truth Seekers shared on
discussion forums. Too bad he died so suddenly. Harry must have
been so devastated to lose such an ingenious father.
    After working for eight months at GN, Joanna
barely saw the twenty-two-year-old genius. The only time Harry
spoke to her directly was when he wanted to ask her something about
a GN work-related matter. It was always Cristal who met with Harry
to brainstorm ideas after work. Sometimes Gabriel, codename Graphix , Harry’s buddy and one of the top Truth Seekers,
would be invited on those overnight mission-planning sessions. For
some reason, Joanna was always kept out of the loop.
    Not this time. Harry personally invited her
for this mission. And knowing that it could help solve the mystery
around the disappearance of her father made it even more
    When she stepped into the shop, she did a
quick sweep of the store. Like in the game, she always made a point
to check her surroundings.
    There were two customers waiting in line at
the counter. Joanna looked to the back. There was an old man
sitting and reading the paper. There were two teen girls eating.
She could see Harry sitting at a table, working on his laptop with
his head leaning forward. He wore a brown sport jacket, white
T-shirt, and jeans. Nothing seemed suspicious.
    Joanna straightened her skirt and walked up to
Harry’s table.
    Be normal. He’s like any other guy. Just go up to
him and say, “Harry, I won’t let you down on this mission.” She
shook her head. No, that sounds dumb. Say, “It’s going to be fun
to be doing a real mission with you, Harry.”
    By the time she arrived at his table, all
she could blurt out was, “Harry, I’m here.”
    Without looking up, Harry motioned for her
to sit down across from him.
    “Great, glad you’re here. Cristal and Kerim
will join us on video chat. We all need to discuss our next
    What? She could feel the blood in her temples
    “Oh? Okay…” she managed to say as she sat
    She stared at Harry’s face while her heart
pounded in her chest. Could he hear the beats like tom-tom drums
on her ribs? This is strike one. I deserve to be the mission
lead. I have more influence points, power, and assets in the online
game than Ms. Cristal Know-it-all.
    “Joanna. Will you be able to decrypt the
file I sent to you?”
    She smirked to acknowledge him, but Harry
didn’t stop staring at the screen.
    “Never mind, Cristal just sent me a text.
She already decrypted it. She will brief us soon with what she’s
    She knew she was the best programmer in
Harry’s team, albeit, Harry often touted Cristal as being the
other. Working with Cristal will be interesting.

Chapter 7
Before All Hell Breaks
Loose - Cristal
    Zero: “Shadow is on his way to bring
you to Graphix. Saw your text about Shadow. Sorry but you are going
to work with him whether you like it or not. I won’t change the
mission instructions.”
    Cristal looked down at her watch. She had been
standing outside the Global Nation’s building for thirty minutes. What was taking Kerim so long?
    She started to text Kerim to find out his
ETA when she heard an engine roar from a distance. Kerim, aka Shadow , dressed in a leather jacket and black jeans was
riding into the Global Nation’s parking lot on his black and yellow
    He decelerated until he came up to the
entrance, stopping in front of her. He removed his black helmet to
reveal thick dark wavy hair, slicked back against his head. He
pushed his sunglasses on top of his head, his grey steel eyes
shining against the sunlight.
    Before she could say anything, he waved for her to
climb onto his bike and handed her an extra helmet. Really? He
wants me to ride that thing? She paused for a moment before
placing the helmet on. Kerim motioned with his head for her to
climb on. Is he serious? Does he think I’m one of his fan
    “Come on, get on,” he said. “Harry wants us
to video chat in

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