The Mating Call: Drekinn Series
the last few months. Rissa had been talking about it at home.
    The monitor came to life, and Calli knew they were going to be looking at a recording of something. Without saying a word, she pressed a button and two men appeared in a conversation in what looked like a Drag Bar downtown. Calli couldn't place the bar, but sat up and watched closely.
    "The King has made an alliance with several of the Packs who want to do business with us. He's working his way through the Prides next to see where he can gain support. But he needs these three chicks taken out first before he can organize too much," the initial man said quietly. Their backs were to the camera, so she couldn't actually see his face, but she knew the voice. It was the King's right-hand man, the top of the most-wanted board. They had heard him plenty of times over the last few years. He made all the plans for the King , hired thugs and then disappeared. At the Agency, they called him 'Mr. Twisted', since they had seen what he was capable of.
    Last month, they found a woman who obviously, he had paid for sex. The reason they knew it was him was because of the monitors, they were set to find him when he showed up on the radar. The Enforcers were too late; he had tied her up, tortured her, then killed her. The dead guy examiner, as Calli referred to him, said he had ejaculated on her dead body when he was done. It pissed her off that they had not been able to find him. All they had was a voice print and the back of his head.
    "What's so special about these chicks?" the hired thug, whose face was not shown either, said. Calli turned her head and tried to place the voice, but she couldn't. She studied the monitor, the program had not been able to identify him either. So that meant he was not registered in the Agency database. He was a Loner . Not good.
    "None of your business. The King just wants them eliminated. So, do you want the job or should I find someone else?" Mr. Twisted said.
    "Fuck no, I'll take it; how much are we talking?" The Loner said.
    There was a muffed sound, and they could tell that papers were exchanged. "Everything's in here. Call this number when you're done," Mr. Twisted said and stood up and left.
    Then a freakin' gorgeous Drag Queen came to the table. She had hot pink hair that was obviously a wig, but it was cut into a bob. Her dress was turquoise with sequins; her make-up done heavily but to perfection. Hell, if she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt walking down the street, she could pass for a woman. She had a great figure. Calli and her friends leaned forward to check out her boobs to see if they were real or silicone. And she looked tall because she cocked her hip above the tall table and said, "Your friend didn't order the minimum drink requirement. So you have to pick up the tab, what'll it be?" she said in a sassy tone.
    The Loner stood and threw money on the table and said, "Bill is paid."
    The Drag Queen laughed, picked up the money and put it in her bra and then left with her hips shaking. Hot damn, she was going to a Drag Bar; she loved it.
    The tape ended, and Ms. Praton turned back around, "So as you can see, we have a lot going on right now. Apparently, there are hits out on our top Commanders, and the Ulfer decided to go into business with some of the Packs and Prides. We have to find out who they are targeting; some of the larger families could really pose a problem. The business they are referring to is disturbing also. Dr. Steive will explain."
    Cherri stood up, and Calli looked up a little surprised; she had no indication that Cherri had any information about this, she would have told them.
    "I just received this report this morning," Cherri said and looked at her friends pointedly to let them know she hadn't had a chance to talk to them yet.
    Rissa and Calli nodded, shit, this was not going to be good. If Cherri had a report, it had to do with one of two things. Drugs or Genes, and neither would be good. A few decades ago, a

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