The Mating Call: Drekinn Series
empty chair in-between them. Calli nodded at Ms. Praton and then walked to her friends.
    They looked at her curiously, and she shook her head, indicating she would talk to them later. Both were wolves, of course, so when she sat down they could tell she had been aroused. Rissa chuckled and shook her head knowingly. They probably thought she had gone down to see the men in the training room. They were all buff and hot, and when Calli went down there, she inevitably came back aroused. All of them did.
    But when Brooks walked into the room with Kade, she felt her friends perk up. She could not stop the growl that came out when they checked out her mate, and her friends looked at her closely. Cherri was the first one to realize what was going on. She was the doctor and knew what a mating pair looked like when they first met, she had studied them. It took Rissa a few more minutes, until Calli dug her nails into her friend's wrist to draw her gaze from her mate.
    Rissa frowned and then leaned around and looked at Cherri, who was grinning. Then she caught on and sucked in her breath. "Oh shit," Rissa said in a low voice. "We have a new roommate?"
    "No," Calli ground out and glared at her friend.
    "Um, ok, just saying, we all planned for it. He will have to know that he is going to be living with all of us, and we will totally support him running around naked," Rissa whispered. They planned a long time ago if the mates didn't accept the friend, it was tough shit. They came as a package, not for sex, their wolves would never allow it. No, they had been through too many years together to actually move apart. Their wolves knew they were family and had declared them a small Pack, whether anyone acknowledged that or not.
    Packs were something that was only family now. The organization of all the magical communities, did not allow for single groups to separate and be organized. They discovered over the years, that if a Pack, Pride, Clan, or Coven grew too large, they could disrupt the balance of the Community. But wolves still needed Packs, and cats still needed Prides, etc. So they declared that family members would all be considered a group. Lone wolves, or creatures, could join a family. But the family was only allowed to accept two Lone creatures at a time. They were all registered and documented in the Drekinn Agency.
    "We have a problem," Ms. Praton said, and she stepped to the front of the table and looked around at each of them. Finally, her gaze landed on the three of them. Calli, Rissa and Cherri shifted in their seats uncomfortably. They hated to be the center of the attention at a meeting, now at a bar, that was different.
    Brooks and Kade quickly took the chairs closest to the door. "Before you sit down, Mr. Milgren, let me introduce you to the team."
    Kade stood at attention but nodded to all the people the older woman pointed out. Of course when she got to his mate and her friends, he did grin, he couldn't help himself, especially when her friends started nudging her.
    "Kade, will be the new Commander of training, if I'm correct, he will make this a permanent position?" she said looking at Calli, and then him slyly. She knew, Kade knew the moment the old dragon said the words that she knew before he had even arrived that they were mates. He wondered if it was a dragon thing.
    Kade just nodded and then sat back down. Calli sat with her mouth open at the end of the table, and the blonde woman next to her that Ms. Praton introduced as Cherri, raised her hand and pushed up on her chin, closing her mouth. His mate frowned and glared at him.
    "Back to business," the woman said and walked to the wall the monitors all hung on. They could monitor any area within the city in this room. That's what the tech geeks and Rissa all did. They made sure if an Enforcer was needed, they got there. In addition, they could also search for Ulfer, who were causing problems or on the wanted list. Unfortunately, their wanted list had expanded a lot in

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