Taking Passion by Storm

Read Taking Passion by Storm for Free Online

Book: Read Taking Passion by Storm for Free Online
Authors: Ravenna Tate
or afraid.
of them looked that way. They were calm and cool, waiting for the storm to
subside. Then they’d go back outside again and continue their journey. They did
this all the time. How? How did they
do it? What if this cave hadn’t been so close? What if there was no shelter around?
This was insanity. Why did they do this?
glanced up at Addison as the wind began to fade outside. “How much further to
the bunker?”
put his arm around her, and instead of filling her head with memories of four
years ago, the gesture was comforting and … dare she think it? Arousing. Yes, it was arousing. She
wanted to give herself permission to feel that way and not have the emotion
bring along bad memories.
    “ About an hour.”
stared at his profile, dim in the light but no less gorgeous. “What about these
caves? Shouldn’t we explore them?”
    “ This is the only one here,” said Suzanne. “The rest of
this is solid rock.”
    “ We know this area well,” said Lee, sweeping his hand
in an arc. “You’re looking at the extent of this cave.”
suddenly realized what their words meant. “So, we were lucky then. I mean, I
didn’t see any shelters the entire time we were walking.”
    “ There are none,” said Addison. “You’re right. We got
lucky.” He gazed into her eyes with the most amazing expression of
protectiveness she’d ever seen. She was safe with him. She was safe with all of
them. All she had to do was let go and trust them to do what they did all the
    “ What do you all do if there is no shelter?”
    “ We get as low as possible and hang on to anything we
can find,” said Lee. “Including each other.”
stared at him but said nothing.
    “ Stop trying to scare her.” Gina’s tone was angry, and
that surprised Nadine. “The wind has stopped.” Gina rose. “Let’s get moving.”
others rose and filed out, but Nadine stayed where she was. The lantern was
still on the floor. She started to move, but Addison’s voice, soft and tender,
stopped her. “It’s all right, Nadine. Just trust us.”
he a mind reader? “I do trust you.”
gazed into her eyes for long moments, and she was certain he was about to kiss
her, but Merrill poked his head back into the cave and the spell was broken.
“We need to get moving, Addison.”
rose, Addison picked up the lantern, turned it off, and then they joined the
was grateful he’d worn heavy clothing, not because it was chilly up here, but
because his dick was rock hard now and it would be difficult to hide it in
jeans and a t-shirt. Nadine hadn’t let go of his hand since they’d emerged from
the cave, and that didn’t help matters any, but he also didn’t mind too much. He didn’t mind at all,
actually. And he also didn’t give a shit that the others were giving him
curious glances.
didn’t discuss his personal life with his procurement team members. He didn’t
have to. They usually read about it online, but they had never read about him
and Dixon’s daughter. This was exactly what he’d told himself he would not do,
especially now. But then she’d looked at him that way. So vulnerable and
afraid. What was a man supposed to do? He was only human.
they were on a mission to find her father who in all likelihood was dead. Even
if Dixon had found a cave to hide in, why hadn’t he emerged and contacted one
of them by now? No one had heard a thing from him since Thursday. If his laptop
battery had worn down, he’d have made his way to shelter by now and recharged
he was hurt. That was the other possibility that had been running through
Addison’s mind since hearing about Dixon’s disappearance. He might be in a cave
but not able to move. In which case, he might die of thirst or starvation
before they could find him.
way, Nadine would have a traumatic event in her life to face within a few days,
and although Addison would be there with

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