Personal Possessions
walked to the cooler to grab a beer.
    “You think she’s gonna
stay with you, Trev? I mean, come on brutha. You’re gonna be a five
hour drive away, she’s livin’ off campus- with Rachel, no less, and
aint had ass in months. Those horny bastards are gonna be throwin
their cock at her left and right, cuz ya gotta admit, she aint
fugly, Trev.”
    I couldn’t take hearing
this shit anymore. The more I heard, the more I wanted to punch his
fuckin teeth out.
    “ Shut the fuck up, Bear!
Don’t say another word about that shit. “
    “Just stat-“
    “You’re not statin’
anything but fuckin’ shit. Don’t say another word about
    I was pissed off. Brother
or not, I was ready to throw down. I heard him mumble, “Truth
hurts, don’t it,” but I chose not to act on it. Something was up
with Bear. I didn’t know what, and I knew I didn’t want to find out
because all I could see it leading to was one of us on the ground
with one of our knees to the other’s throat.
    I woke up in a sweat,
gasping for air. I couldn’t take anymore. I grabbed the chain that
was around my neck, twisting the ring around. The ring that I had
given her. Her ring settled nicely on my chest. This was probably
not helping, but I couldn’t find the strength to take it off, this
was how I was still connected to her, and this was what kept me
    I had to make a decision.
This was the only way I was going to get rid of these fucking
memories, nightmares- whatever you wanted to call them. All I knew
was I had to do something, and I knew where I was going to
    Running inside, I grabbed
my cell phone. Looking at the screen, trying to find some reason
not to do what was in my head, but nothing came to mind. I pressed
the button, and waited for it to ring. It was now or never, this
was going to end in one of two ways. I could stay how I was,
lifeless and empty inside. Having shit to show for all the money I
had made, and keep up my daily routine of binge drinking and
nameless sex.
    Or I could readjust my
sac, be a man, and fight for what I wanted. I’d be rid of these
visions and thoughts, and make them a reality with hopes and
dreams. Be reborn with everything that I had always wanted, and
needed more than life itself. Her in my life.
    It wasn’t going to be
easy, she belonged to another man, a man who had planned all along
to take her away from me. I don’t know why, or even when he had the
time to plan it all, but he did. He accomplished what he had set
out to do. He thought he was smart, he thought he had won, but I
hadn’t shown my hand of cards yet. It was going to take some
planning. Hard up, serious fuckin’ planning, and while I might have
rejoined the game a bit late, I knew right where to
    I heard the voice on the
other end…
    “ Yes, Operator. I need the
number for a Rachel Locke in Richland Georgia.”

    “Come on, Greg. We can’t
say no to this.”
    I sat at my desk as Greg
paced in front of me.
    “This is a good
investment. Trust me on this one, will ya?”
    I had gotten news that a
company I had been waiting for, for a very long time was on the
chopping block, even though the owner and CEO wasn’t wanting to
sell. Unfortunately for him, there was no way he could avoid it. He
was in way over his head, and there was no way in hell he could
save himself now.
    “Trevor, you know me, man.
I’m up for whatever risk we have to take to make the deal, but I
don’t know about this one.”
    Greg replied as he chewed
on the top of his finger, I’m surprised he hadn’t drawn blood. I
had never just sprung a deal on him. I always let him have full
disclosure- specs, financial info. I would never be ok with him
just throwing shit at me like I was doing to him right now, but we
couldn’t pass this opportunity up. I wouldn’t allow it.
    I turned my chair to the
side, looking out into the skyline. We had upgraded our office
space. Mac-Gentry was now a million dollar company, located on the

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