Personal Possessions
floor of the Lincoln complex in downtown
    It had been months since I
had traveled to California. I had gotten a hold of Rachel, and she
was thrilled that I had called. I still didn’t want anyone knowing
that I was calling, so I asked her not to say a word. I had
discreetly asked questions that gave me information, but not too in
depth to make her notice I was digging for information. We have
maintained contact since, but she had still not clued-in on my
    I asked how she had been,
and she had told me that she had gotten married. I congratulated
them both, wishing them my best. I was truly happy for her, but it
was hard to tell since my voice didn’t hold emotions
    Being wary to give her any
information on me, I answered with a slight of hand. I would answer
truthfully, but not give her any details. Seeing as this was my
hand I was building, and as with anything else, I wanted to hold
the power here. I also didn’t want someone to see me coming and
going out of town, and her have to answer questions that she
wouldn’t have the answers to.
    As she filled me in on my
mom, it hurt me to the bone to know that my momma was suffering
from not knowing anything about me. I could fix that later, but for
now I couldn’t let her know where I was, or what I was doing. I had
plans to organize, and I was not going to let anyone ruin this for
    The night that everything
went down, Bear ended up taking everything from me. My girl, my
scholarship, my future, my life. But here I am, working my way back
up to get back everything I ever wanted. I was slowly going to not
only get back my possessions, I was gonna take down whoever got in
my way.
    “Have I ever pulled you in
the wrong direction, man?” I asked Greg.
    He stopped pacing, and
looked at me, “Marietta…right…”
    I looked at him. “Yeah,
Marietta,” I confirmed.
    “You doin’ this for you,
or for her?” He asked under his breath, but I heard him.
    “What the fuck do you
think?” I asked in a defensive tone, “I don’t do shit for anyone
anymore other than myself.”.
    I didn’t like where this
conversation was headed, because I wasn’t ready to admit any of
this ridiculous plot out loud yet. Once I did that, this whole
cluster-fuck would become reality.
    Shaking his head in
defeat, “Shit. Trevor… man, I think you’re doing it for
    I was kinda shocked with
his answer, but not really. I wasn’t doing shit for her, I was
doing it for me, goddammit. I had a feeling that this would end up
being a waste of my time, since she made her choice thirteen years
ago, in a driveway not even three steps away from me.
    I would get there and find
out that there was nothing for me to do other than get on with my
life, the way she had done. Then attempt to find some other way to
close that chapter of my life. I at least had to try this, nothing
else was working, and I had tried everything I could think of, I
was fucking desperate.
    “ You know you’re
eventually gonna have to say her name again, right?” Greg looked at
me hesitantly.
    He was well aware that
this subject was a topic that very few would travel, and be left in
one piece. He would be the only one that I would allow down this
road. I didn’t say a word, just continued staring him
    That would be all the
conversation we would have on this subject.
    I saw Greg’s eyes come
back in my direction.
    “ So, how are you so sure
this,” He waved a hand towards the file that sat on the top of my
desk to see the name of the company, “This MG and M Industries, is
a doable project for us?”
    I turned my chair back
around to face the wall of windows. Setting the tips of my fingers
together, and touching them to my lips contemplating how to go
about this, and get him to agree.
    “ Do you know what MG and M
stands for in the company name?” I asked as I turned back around,
just in time to see him pull his brows together, and purse his
    “Dude, I just had to look
at the name

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