Personal Possessions
of the company from the file on your desk, fuck no, I
don’t know what it stands for.
    “Well, see, I just happen
to know what it stands for. It stands for Marshall, Graham and-
    I knew that in my life,
there were two fucked up occurrences that made me the man I had
become. First, being that bastard I had the unfortunate pleasure of
claiming as my father. The other being…put on the back burner for

    My father loved his work
and his money more than he loved his own son. A father that was
getting ready to be shown that payback is not only a bitch, it
could be a parasite too, attaching itself to you, sucking you dry
of everything essential to your very own existence. That was what I
was planning to do to him. Confiscating what he needed to make him
the man that he had become. It would now be all mine.
    I have wanted to take my
father’s company from the moment I found out he took some of that
dirty money he had, and went into a “legitimate” business for
himself. Mind you, I truly didn’t believe it was all that
legitimate either. I knew it would only be a matter of time till he
would piss away not only what money he had, but what his partners
would’ve put into the business too. My father was a selfish enough
bastard to scam everyone.
    I knew my part in this
takedown was going to be so fuckin’ simple, I didn’t even have to
do anything, but wait. I’d kept my ear to the ground, and waited
for word that he had fucked up another good opportunity. And that
was exactly what happened. As soon as I got the call, I made my
offer, and it was more than they were asking, so there was no way
they would turn it down. His partners, wanted their money back, and
to get out of business with their piece of shit
    Greg’s face looked as if
it had seen a ghost. His color went white, his mouth dropped open,
and his eyes were as big as saucers.
    “I know this company,
Greg. I know it well… because it’s my father’s company.”
    “Oh shit!” Greg

Chapter 4
    Driving through Atlanta
felt strange. I hadn’t been back here in thirteen years. I felt
good about returning this time, this was just the beginning of
taking back what was mine. I had a specific list that consisted of
very delicate property, which would be making its way back into my
    “Personal possessions are
naturally the most significant assets to any single human
    I had looked forward to
this day all my life. Purchasing my father’s company was an
aspiration I longed for and now, here it was. In an hour and a
half, he would have no choice but to view the pure disgust, drive
and determination that glared through my eyes at him from across
the table.
    He thought he was smart,
but I followed his attainments. I knew that once I left, he got
tired of my mom and moved into a house in Marietta putting all
financial holdings into a company that at the time had been a
lucrative business. He would end up pissing away his earnings by
gambling, or throwing it away on cheap women and expensive
    Driving in from Atlanta
airport, I passed the exit on the interstate that led to Richland,
I wasn’t about to step foot in that town, I didn’t need any of that
drama. I was here on a mission and I knew that, right now I was in
destroy-mode and needed to stay that way. I did not need any
distractions at this point in time, and considering the biggest
distraction in my life lived there, there was no way in hell I was
heading that way today.
    The ringing of my cell
phone caught my attention, making me look at the caller ID.
    “Are you sure you don’t
want me to fly down there and sit in on the meet with ya?” Greg
    I don’t think he was
really concerned about the meeting, I think he was more concerned
about the whereabouts afterwards.
    “I’m good,” I confidently
    I could hear the laughter
in his voice. “I can see you’re ready to fuck some shit up,” Greg
    He always called me

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