Natural Witchery
to itself.
    The Goddess and the power of the moon are popular topics of discussion among Witches, Pagans, and magick users. However, many folks sort of miss the forest for the trees when it comes to the Goddess, magick, and the moon. So, before you roll your eyes and let out an aggrieved sigh, thinking that I’m going to launch into a basic Wicca 101 topic that you already know … hold on for a second. There is further information to be gained on this subject other than just the typical correspondences of “Maiden: waxing moon; Mother: full moon; and Crone: waning moon.” When was the last time you really paid attention to how the phases of the moon affected both your intuition and your psychic sensitivity?
    As the moon is a natural representation for the Goddess, you may want to pause and reconsider all the various moon phases and the psychic energies that they bring into your spellcasting. Both the Goddess and the moon are ever-changing. They have many aspects or faces and myriad lessons to reveal. I suggest you take a walk outside at night and spend some time under the moon’s transforming light. Open up your heart and expand your psychic abilities. Allow your intuition to lead you, and the illumination of the Goddess will shine down on you.
    Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving?
    A Children’s Song

    Drawing Down the Moon
    The act of drawing down the moon is a powerful psychic and magickal experience. By focusing on the light of the full moon, you are actually drawing the Goddess into your own body. Again, realize that lunar energy is intuitive, magnetic, and receptive. This is a force of nature, and tapping into this power is a transformative experience. This type of empowerment needs to be felt, and it’s going to be different for each individual.
    I have heard this process explained and intellectualized to death, but the truth is this is a silent ritual. It requires no tools or props other than yourself and the full moon. Learning to draw down the moon is an intuitive and personal experience that marks a significant step of your journey. This is an important part of natural witchery, for now you are beginning to make your magick both intuitive and personal.
    No words are needed while you draw down the moon. If you’d like to say a few words in greeting before you get started, go right ahead. Typically I look up, smile at the moon, and say, “Hello, Goddess.” Seems to me that a simple and heartfelt greeting is much more eloquent than fumbling around trying desperately to remember that lengthy, dramatic poem you memorized. The Goddess does not require melodrama. Just be yourself, and follow your own insights. The following steps for the process are straightforward ones, and as we’ve seen, simple is usually the best.
Step outside and stand under the light of the full moon. Too basic for you? Hmm, you’d be surprised. You have to get outside for this one, folks.
Ground and center yourself. Imagine that your feet are like the roots of a tree, and sink them down into the earth. Visualize that any stress or anger you may be carrying is draining away to be absorbed back harmlessly into the earth. Now see that the earth is in turn sending you revitalizing energy. Raise up your arms, and stretch out your fingers. Take a nice deep cleansing breath and blow it out slowly.
Next, you may stand with your hands loosely at your sides, holding your hands palms up. I have seen people dramatically throw their arms out wide and embrace the night sky. Go with whatever position feels more natural to you. If you are concerned that someone (like a curious neighbor) may be watching, then just keep your arms down and stand in a relaxed pose.
Now open up your chakras. Just as we practiced in the previous chapter, light up those seven energy centers, stretch out your psychic feelings, and open yourself up to the Goddess and her illumination.
Tip up your face to the light of the moon, and

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