Natural Witchery
envision pulling some of that luminosity and power down and inside of yourself. Give yourself a few moments, and feel the difference that it makes. For example, if you feel down and self-conscious, you will likely stand taller and be more confident after drawing down the moon. If you feel overwhelmed and stressed out, you’ll notice that your shoulders will relax, and you will feel more at peace when you are finished. You may feel a shivery and tingling connection with other Witches from all over the world. Or you may feel a comforting warmth surrounding you, like an astral hug, telling you that She is looking down on you and smiling. Enjoy the sensations for a while.
Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Now zip your chakras closed with a quick arm motion from your mid-thigh area to over the top of your head. Ground and center again. Relax.
Whisper a “thank you” to the Goddess. Return indoors.
If you’d like, take notes and write down in your journal or Book of Shadows what you experienced. (Also, I’ll let you in on a little secret: the various full moons throughout the year do carry different energies. The harvest moon feels electric and mysterious, while a winter full moon seems wise and silent; a summer full moon has a lazy, mellow quality as compared to the energy and excitement of a spring full moon. Keep track and note what differences you personally experience.)
    Okay, so how’d you do? Everyone will experience this gift from the Goddess in their own way. Do not, I repeat, do not think this process to death. Just get out there and experience it. Before we close up this section, here is a little more food for thought. Traditionally, drawing down the moon is performed at the full moon phase. However, try working this exercise at several different lunar phases, like the new crescent just after sunset or the waning moon in the early morning hours, and see what sort of results you achieve then.
    Want more information on the other mystical lunar phases? Well, in our next section we will examine the various phases of the moon and what magick and psychic abilities are affected by them. Oh, and there are a few lunar spells in there for you to work as well.
    Late yester evening I saw the new moon,
    With the old moon in her arm.
    Thomas Percy

    The Psychic and Magickal Moon Phases
    There is a subtle and enchanting rhythm to the mood of each month and the lunar cycles as they roll from one into the other. By working in harmony with these lunar tides, you can easily turn up the volume on your magick, especially when you recognize and work in accord with your intuition and personal psychic abilities.
    Now that you have acknowledged your psychic talents, you can embrace the ability to be receptive. For receptive power is not passive, it is magnetic, compelling, and captivating. This type of energy draws intuition, magick, and power straight to you. Receptive lunar power will also boost your inspiration and facilitate the effectiveness of your magick.
    How, you may wonder? Because the power of the lunar phases profoundly influences all life on the planet as well as human behavior. Working with and acknowledging the cycles of the moon allows us to arrange our magick in the most opportune way. Just as certain types of magick will coordinate with either the waxing or waning moon, so too will your psychic abilities be affected by the ever-changing lunar tides and energies. The trick here, my friends, is to learn to work with these psychic energies in harmony with nature and your magick.
    Listed below are four major lunar phases and the accompanying psychic and magickal information. There is a coordinating psychic spell listed, and the deity aspects of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone are listed as well. May this information shed a little moonlight on the subject for you.
    First Quarter
    (From the new moon to the waxing half moon.) As the slim crescent moon slowly becomes fuller each night, now is the time to

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