Natural Witchery
begin new projects, to be creative, to meet new people, and to be outgoing. Your personal psychic energy will be building, and you will notice you are more sympathetic and sensitive to other people’s positive emotions at this time. Awaken your intuition and pay attention, for as the moon grows brighter your dreams and their meanings will become clearer. Here is the ideal time for magick and spells that draw things to you. Pull that affirmative change and bubbling energy straight into your life and reap the benefits. The waxing moon is a time to celebrate growth and potential. As the moon grows larger, your magickal goals will manifest. This moon phase corresponds with the Maiden aspect of the Goddess, such as Athena, Artemis/Diana, and Bast.
    Second Quarter
    (From the waxing half moon to the full moon.) During this lunar phase, emotions and instinct are heightened. You will notice that precognitive dreams, intuition, and clairvoyance will peak as the full moon gets closer. During this lunar phase, spells will come to fruition swiftly, especially if they are uncomplicated and sincere. The closer you can cast your spells to the actual time of the full moon, the more power and oomph your spells and charms will have. Now, the day of the full moon is actually a time of maximum magickal power. This is an all-purpose lunar phase, so get in there and start casting! The full moon aligns with the Mother aspect of the Goddess; for example, Selene, Luna, Freya, Isis, or Aphrodite.
    Third Quarter
    (From the second night after the full moon to the waning half moon.) When the moon begins to wane, its light slowly dissipates in the night sky. This is a powerful time of internal energy and an opportunity to quietly look within. Focus on dreams, instincts, and gut hunches. If you are clairaudient, pay particular attention to those internal messages. While the moon wanes, work magick to remove negativity and obstacles that you are facing. During this lunar phase, work magick to carefully dissolve problems, push away troubles, and remove negativity in the best way possible for all those concerned. As the moon wanes, so too will the situation or problem. The third-quarter moon corresponds to the Crone aspect of the Goddess, such as Cerridwen, Hecate, or Nepthys.
    Fourth Quarter
    (From the waning half moon until the dark of the moon.) This is the dark time of the moon. You may find that your psychic talents take a little vacation during the dark phases of the moon, or, on the other hand, they may come roaring to life with an all-out bombardment on your senses. Personally, I have found that abilities such as empathy and psychometry are more pronounced at this time. Why, you may wonder? Well, I have found that this type of psychic ability forces you to look within and to be still as the information comes to you—what better time than in the waning moon, when your powers are focused internally? Magickally, now is the occasion to tackle serious issues, such as extreme protection magick, bindings, or banishings, and keeping away criminals, prowlers, or stalkers. Casting your spells in the final days of the moon’s cycle (when the moon is not visible at all) will increase the force behind your banishing and protective magick. This phase of the moon is often linked to the darker aspects of the Goddess, when she is a spiritual warrior; again, Hecate is a good one to work with in this phase, but you can also call on Sekhmet, the Morrigan, or even Kali, if you are really feeling brave.
    Psychic Spells for the Four Moon Phases
A white tealight candle
A clear candleholder cup
A small magnet (to represent the moon’s magnetism and “pull” in your life)
A lighter or matches
A safe, flat surface to set up on
    Set the candle inside the candleholder, and place the magnet in front of it. If you choose, you can jazz up these spells with silver glitter sprinkled on your work surface. Or how about a silver or white altar

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