My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1)

Read My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Helen Bright
Tags: Mystery, Humour, vampire, paranormal romance, Murder, Erotic, love, Viking
to compose herself.
    I went back to the kitchen and retrieved Julia’s clothes and boots before realising I hadn’t even closed the curtains and locked the door.
    Once I had locked up I carried her clothes to my bedroom and went back to the kitchen for the wine, and I put together some cheese and crackers for us, along with a few grapes. Earlier I had taken a full bag of blood so was ok as far as that side of me went.

Chapter 7
    When I entered the bathroom I found Julia relaxing in the bath with the Jacuzzi part bubbling away.
    “This is lovely,” she said lying back with her eyes closed.
    “I brought us some food,” I replied holding the plate up “and more wine.”
    I set the glasses down along with the plate on the wide tiled area around the side of the bath and then I changed the lighting so that only the floor lights surrounding the bath were now lit, which made the room appear calm and tranquil despite the bubbling noise.
    “Move up so I can sit behind you,” I said whilst getting in as quickly as I could before she could protest.
    “Alex how come you can eat food and drink normal drinks,” she asked curiously. “I thought vampires could only drink blood.”
    “We do drink blood, obviously, but we can also eat normal food. I think the human side of us it needs it.”
    “It also depends how old you are also. A newly turned vampire will require a blood feed maybe twice a day but one such as myself who has been a vampire for many years can take blood as little as maybe three times a week and be ok.”
    “How long have you been a vampire?” she asked.
    “That’s quite a difficult question for me to answer,” I said truthfully, handing over her glass of wine.
    “I was born Aðalbrandr, meaning noble sword by the way,” I said flexing my hardening cock against her thigh, “nearly nine hundred and fifty years ago near a small coastal town in Norway.
    My mother was a beautiful Viking princess of sorts named Brisafreya and her Viking warrior husband was Brandr. My sister also called Freya was born ten years later.”
    “I was groomed from an early age to be like my name suggests a noble fighter with brute strength and bravery but my mother always cautioned me to use my head more and join the rest of the noble families in a sort of council, unlike Brandr and think about other things such as keeping our people warm and fed.
    “I had two uncles Gamall and Sebbi. Gamall and my mother were twins and shared an interest and belief in what would later be termed as witchcraft.
    In Viking culture it was not frowned upon for women to practice witchcraft but men were ridiculed if they were found doing so. Men were mostly classed as Shaman and used to call upon the gods to send a good harvest or for safe passage when setting out to sea.
    Sebbi wasn’t a relative as such but more like a close friend to my mother, being at her side whenever she was worried or ill and comforting her when Brandr would be with one of his mistresses or after yet another one of their fights.
    You see Brandr was not good to the women in his life. It had only taken a week or so for my mother to get pregnant with me, and he was away in battle for most of her pregnancy, which spared her his wrath. I remember them arguing a lot when he was home, and he used to make her cry often.
    When I was born and he knew his child was a son, he demanded a feast that lasted for a week. I was told many years later that he had taken another mistress during that time, and he apparently kept her for years. She died after having a huge argument with him many years later. He was going to be tried for her death but was somehow let off with it when he was needed in yet another battle.
    When Freya was born he didn’t want to know. Brandr didn’t want a girl, just more sons. It used to break Freya’s heart for him to ignore her and he would make my mother take her from the room when he came in. I began to hate him more with every passing day.
    Sebbi, whenever

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