My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1)

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Book: Read My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Helen Bright
Tags: Mystery, Humour, vampire, paranormal romance, Murder, Erotic, love, Viking
woman after he blood bonds with them. It’s like a giving and receiving of a small amount of blood from each other at the same time, usually through sex as it heightens the potency of the blood of the vampire male. It kind of changes the body at a cellular level which then enables the human female to become pregnant.” “By blood bonding to a vampire whether born or made you are entering into an unbreakable bond, something that has more meaning and worth to the immortal than a human marriage ever could and as long as the human continues to take the vampires blood he or she will never age and will have the same long life as the immortal one.”
    “What happens when you stop loving the one you bond with,” she asked in a soft voice. I turned her head so she met my gaze, “Julia when a vampire falls in love and bonds with a human, both the love and the bond last forever.”
    I let the meaning of what I just said wash over her for a moment longer before I smiled and handed her more food. When we finished the plate I stood up and retrieved a couple of towels from the rack and we both stepped out of the bath to get dry.
    When I went back into the bedroom I noticed that the time was now 11.15pm and as I didn’t want this night to end here I asked her to stay the night with me.
    At first she declined but then asked if I would continue with my story if she stayed, so I agreed and she sent both her mum and dad a text message to say she had too much to drink while celebrating her new job and was staying the night here in my spare room to sleep it off. I then texted Maggie for her to let Nik and Josh know I wouldn’t be back in tonight.
    Julia looked at the bed then back to me and said “do you have anything I could sleep in?”
    “My arms hopefully,” I said as I winked at her and went to get her a T shirt from my wardrobe. To make her feel more comfortable I put my boxers on and we lay facing each other on top of the bed.
    “How long did it take to sail to England,” she asked.
    “Two very long weeks,” I replied the memory of that journey still fresh in my mind after all these centuries.
    “In our last two days at sea we hit a storm which completely overwhelmed even the strongest of the men who were rowing with us. We tried and tried to gain the upper hand but we were tossed and thrown about like leaves in the wind and inevitably the ship listed over to a point that we began to take on a vast amount of water.
    My father, Gamall and I were all below deck with about forty other rowers each trying gain control of our oars. Some of the women and a few of the men were above deck trying to get rid of the water we were taking on when some were swept overboard. None of us knew what had happened until my father howled out as if in agony. You see through the powerful bond he had with my mother he felt the very moment she went overboard. He leapt out of the confines of his seat like an animal and ran up to the deck of the ship faster than was humanly possible. Despite everything we tried to do we could save none of the fifteen men and women who went overboard that night, my mother included.”
    I gave myself a few moments before I carried on with my story, the guilt of not being able to save her still heavy on my soul. Julia placed her hand on mine and said how sorry she was. I linked my fingers with hers and carried on with the story of my life.
    “Hours later the storm broke and we were slowly getting back on course for Bretland as England was then known by. My father and Freya were inconsolable and seemed to cling to each other in their pain. It was down to Gamall, Frankke (he was an experienced sailor and a village council member) and I to organise getting ashore so we decided to moor the ship in to a small cove and take the small row boat we carried and transport everyone to shore in that.”
    “Some of the strongest men we carried with us went first so that they could make sure it was safe, and then they came back steadily

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