My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1)

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Book: Read My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Helen Bright
Tags: Mystery, Humour, vampire, paranormal romance, Murder, Erotic, love, Viking
he was around and Gamall had both been father figures to Freya but when she was about nine years old they left for England along with Brandr and around forty other men from ours and the surrounding villages, because Sebbi had informed them that England offered a better climate and plentiful foods unlike Norway in the harsh winters.
    They were to build up a settlement in which they would create homes for us, then they would come back to get us and bring us to this better place when the weather was mild as this made for safer travel for the women and children.
    It was two years before they returned and Brandr wasn’t with them. Sebbi addressed the village councilmen which included myself and said that Brandr had been killed in battle and died like a warrior and everyone but me believed him.”
    I took the body wash from the shelf and poured a generous amount in my hands then proceeded to wash every inch of Julia I could reach. “Why did you think he lied?” she questioned.
    “It was the look he gave me when he spoke; it was different to what he gave the others. I had seen this look before between him and my mother and I kind of knew right then that Sebbi would play an even bigger part of our lives than he had before.”
    “Later than night I went to speak with my mother about it and heard familiar noises. You see I was twenty by then and being strong and handsome I had caught the eye of many of the lonely village women while their men were away and had been having sex with quite a few of them every chance I could get, so I recognised the sounds, but they were ones that I hadn’t expected to hear from my mother and Sebbi together.”
    “I didn’t confront them I just ran down to my room as quietly as I could.
    A short while later Sebbi came to find me. He said he knew I had found him making love to my mother and he wanted to explain a few things to me. My mother followed him a few moments later looking much happier than I had seen her for many years. Sebbi said that he was both mine and Freya’s father not Brandr as we had been led to believe. He also said he was a born immortal and that Freya and I were this way too. I asked what this meant as I was confused by what he was saying. He began to explain the meaning of vampire, the need to drink blood and the strength and speed that his kind had. He then revealed his fangs and his eyes changed colour and I stood to grab my sword pulling my mother behind me. He spoke calmly saying that he would never hurt me, my mother and Freya and I believed him. He also told me that he was going to take us all back to England, where he came from many years before. He told me that he had readied a place for us and we would sail as soon as the moon was full, which was seven nights from then.”
    “Over the next seven nights Sebbi told us all about his kind. How he could change humans by draining them of their blood to the point of death then feeding them his own blood. He said being a born immortal we were more powerful as we could walk in the daylight although direct sunlight did drain our strength. He said I would know when the time was right for me to take my first swallow of human blood and at that time my body would stay as it was and never again age, and as long as we took in blood regularly we would heal quickly from any wounds.
    Freya and I being of his blood had never been ill a day in our lives and we had no concept to what it could be like to suffer this way but I had been wounded before and knew of pain, so this part of it appealed to me.”
    “I don’t understand something Alex, wasn’t your mother human?” “Yes she was and I know what you are going to say, how was she able to become pregnant to a vampire?” “Yes, I mean I don’t understand how someone who is one of the undead can have living sperm and Alex if you do have living sperm we have had unprotected sex twice already.” “As far as I am aware my lovely Julia a born immortal can only reproduce with a human

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