Love in the Shadows
down the hall and glared at her.
She bit her lip. Everything inside demanded she find a way into the
wing. Finally, she wrenched away from her feelings and started to
follow Joe. She sent a telepathic call through her link to Derek.
Her mate would feel that she was near.
    “Derek …”
    “I feel you are close.
What’s the situation?” Derek
    “They have you in a
high-security wing that is lit up brighter than a Christmas tree.
Joe is pulling us back to the jeep. We’ve got to figure a way
    “I’ll keep my eyes open. I
was pretty drugged up when they first brought me here. The only
time someone comes in the room is to escort me to the
    “It is so hard for me to
leave you, ” Katherine sent.
    “I know you and my old
friend Joe will get me out. It’ll be all right,
Katherine. ”
    Katherine’s throat tightened, and her
eyes burned. Derek was trapped in a room, being tortured for
science, and he had tried to reassure her. She followed Joe glumly
down the hall to the outside door, and they slipped outdoors as
someone walked in.
    Hugh and Charlie met them at the gate,
and they shadow-walked back to where the jeep was hidden. They
returned to the heat of the Amazon rainforest.
    Katherine opened her mouth to ask why
they were giving up. Joe raised his hand. “Save it ‘til we’re back
at the hotel.”
    Katherine shut her mouth with a snap.
They all climbed back into the jeep and headed back to town. One of
the limitations of the Shadow-Walker tribe was that tribe members
had to visit a place in person before they could use Shadow to get
there. Now that they had visited the lab, they could go straight
in, but there were no shadows in the lab to use for
    Joe motioned Katherine into the
passenger seat of the Jeep. She sat, her body stiff with anger. He
should take her off the team. She needed to be reminded who was in
charge. If she wanted to be part of the team, she needed to take
orders without question. He shouldn’t have had to wait for her when
he signaled her to leave.
    Joe gritted his teeth. Now that he had
surveyed the lab, he knew it would take careful planning for an
extraction to work. He’d figure out how best to get Derek out. He
wasn’t taking any chances with Derek’s or his team’s lives. He
needed to get Hugh’s and Charlie’s reports before making any more
decisions. This was his job. Joe wasn’t the head of the security
branch for nothing.
    He drove into the hotel parking lot and
parked the jeep. “Katherine, go into the office and find out where
they recommend we eat. We’ll meet in my room in ten.”
    Katherine knew an order when she heard
one. She sighed and went into the lobby. The hotel was run by a
family that seemed to consist of grandparents, parents and two
toddlers. The father manned the front desk, and Katherine asked
about places to eat. She could hear one child screaming and one
crying in the background. She gave the tired father a big smile of
understanding. “My wife has gone into Manaus for food,” he
explained in broken English.
    When she asked about where to eat, the
father suggested the bar across the street. It was also a
restaurant and the only place in the village that served three
meals a day. Katherine walked back to Joe’s room and knocked on the
door. She needed to tread lightly. Joe was angry with her. She
didn’t want to be sent home.
    “Come,” she heard and let herself
    Joe, Charlie and Hugh sat at a small
table. They were leaning over it and seemed to be drawing a map.
Each one pointed out features and things they had noted. Katherine
walked to the table and joined them.
    When they finished, they had a complete
map of the facility. Hugh had noted the power source and backup
generator, as well as two windows in the wing where Derek was held.
Both windows were too high and too small for access. Charlie noted
the guard positions and outside surveillance cameras, as well as a
back entrance that

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