Love in the Shadows
was code-locked. Katherine and Joe helped fill
in the interior with what they had discovered.
    Then, they started to list
complications. The most important was the lack of shadows. They
also needed a way past the coded doors.
    “If everything is electric, then a
power failure would fix most of our problems. We’d have to make
sure the generators didn’t come on, of course,” Charlie
    “We don’t know for sure that the doors
will automatically open. They might automatically close and lock.”
Hugh scratched his head.
    “What about a fire alarm?” Katherine
suggested. “Wouldn’t they want all the doors to open in case of
    “Good suggestion,” Charlie said. “That
would get everyone out of the building, leaving us free to get to
    “I think we need some more information,
but I can feel a plan coming together,” Joe said. “Tonight, Hugh
and Charlie, I want you to do a little more recon. Do they ever
turn off the inside lights? Even a few would give us some shadows.
We can’t get Derek out, if we can’t shadow-walk. Katherine, you and
I are going to do a little snooping. I bet all those scientists are
too good to clean the place, which means they probably hire a
cleaning crew. Cleaning crews normally have keys to all the
    “The only place to eat is the bar
across the street. They serve three meals a day,” Katherine
    “Let’s go then. I’m starving,” Charlie
    “What I tried to point out is if any of
those scientists want to have a night out, there is only one spot
in town,” Katherine explained.
    “Come on then. Let’s go get some lunch
and check the place out,” Hugh suggested.
    Katherine smiled and followed the men
out the door. Could they get a plan together to save Derek? She
needed to trust Joe and his men.
    The cantina was small. Its
dark tiled floors were muddy from where people tracked in the
earth. There wasn’t much on the menu, so they all ordered feijoada and arroz . It was late to be
having lunch, so the place was empty. When they finished, Joe threw
down some bills to pay the tab. Then, they headed back to the
    “I’ll meet you here at seven-thirty.
Maybe you can charm some information out of a lab nerd,” Joe told
Katherine as he headed into his room.
    “I’ll have to shadow-walk back to my
apartment and get some more clothes.” At least, she warned him this
time. Of course there were several hours before their meeting. She
waved and walked through her door.
    Katherine laid on the bed.
She tossed and turned feeling tied up in knots. When she knew it was impossible to rest, she reached for
Derek. If he could give her some new information, it might help
with the rescue plans. He was awake and feeling better.
    “Hey, beautiful….” he sent
    “I need to see the room
you’re being held in,” Katherine sent to
him. “Reach for me and allow me into your
    “Okay, I’ll try,” he sent back. “You’re
already in my heart. Might as well take my mind, too. Will you
respect me in the morning?”
    “Very funny,” Katherine sent.
    Then, she felt Derek reach for her, and
she flew into his mind. Through his eyes, she could see the bright
lights and cameras on the wall. There was also a mirrored window,
and she bet it hid an observation area.
    By lifting Derek’s head, she could make
out the door across the room. He lay on a metal-covered table and
wore only a pair of briefs. She also took note of the restraints
holding his arms and legs. She tried to see if there were any
shadows in the corners. The room wasn’t very big, and the two large
lights illuminated the space.
    They were giving Derek fluids
intravenously, and Katherine could feel Derek’s pain as a dull
ache. Most, if not all, of the cuts had closed and were on their
way to being healed. She could also feel his hunger and wished she
could bring him some food.
    Katherine felt Derek
chuckle in her mind. “Being hungry is the
least of my worries, Kate,” he

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