Love in the Shadows
sent “Can you imagine how uncomfortable it is to lie
here for days? I’ll be lucky if I can walk out of here.” Katherine thought she felt some real concern
behind Derek’s teasing words.
    “I’m sure you’ll be able to
walk out of there, and if you’re not, then I’ll carry
    “Working out some? You
won’t be any good at flirting with the lab nerds if you don’t look
your best,” Derek sent. He must have
picked that out of her thoughts. Was he jealous?
    Katherine knew he was right. Still, it
hurt to think he would send her away. It got harder and harder to
leave him.
    “Make sure that’s all you
do, beautiful. I’d hate to have to kill some lab nerd,” Derek added as she pulled her mind back into her
    At least, she had more information for
the team. Realizing that staying in bed was useless, she
shadow-walked back to her apartment in New Mexico.
    If she flirted for information, she
needed to look the part. She changed into a pair of tight- fitting
jeans, which had Derek salivating at Cara’s bachelorette party, and
a skimpy T-shirt that barely covered her midriff. Then, she put her
hair up in a ponytail and did her makeup. The final touches were a
pair of large hoop earrings and a belly-button jewel.
    Derek still hovered in the
back of her mind. Their link seemed to be strengthening now that
she shared his thoughts. She let him see through her eyes as she
looked in the mirror. She smiled when she heard him groan in her
head and felt the shot of lust that went through his body. Just information, beautiful. If one of those lab
techs touches you…
    Don’t be silly. I don’t
want anyone touching me but you.
    Katherine picked up one of her favorite
paperbacks and prepared to wait until seven-thirty.
    The hours flew by, and Katherine
hurried back through Shadow to her hotel room. Joe arrived right on
time and gave her an appraising look when she opened the
    “Going fishing,” she said with a
    “Let’s hope all you catch is
information,” Joe said, shaking his head. “I’m not sure Derek would
like you wearing that outfit in public.”
    “What’s wrong with my
    “Every man in that joint is going to
want to gobble you up. We’ll be lucky if a fight doesn’t break
    “Oh, come on, Joe. They’re lab nerds.
There won’t be any fights.”
    The cantina was crowded. Joe stood near
the men at the bar. Katherine entered separately and was sure she
noticed a couple of the guys from the lab. She sauntered up to the
bar, and one of the men immediately offered her his
    “Hey, honey. Can I buy you a drink?”
the nerd asked.
    “Of course. I’ll have whatever you’re
having,” she said, leaning toward him.
    It wasn’t long before Katherine steered
the conversation to the lab. Before she finished her drink, she
found out that there were fire alarm buttons that would swing all
the doors open. One was in the guard shack and one inside the main
    Katherine let the lab tech go on and on
about how important his work was. Then, she steered the
conversation toward the cleaning crew.
    “Of course, all the experiments need to
be done in pristine conditions. Even the slightest contaminate
could change the results,” he explained to her.
    “Do you have to keep the place in
pristine condition?” she asked, smiling her brightest smile and
batting her lashes at the man.
    “It is everyone’s job to keep the lab
in working order.”
    “Oh, you poor dear. You work so hard,
and they make you clean, too?” Katherine asked. She could see the
lab tech thinking. If he boasted that he kept everything clean, he
would be lowering himself to the level of a servant.
    “Of course, we have a cleaning crew to
take out the garbage and scrub the floors,” he confided.
    “Well, of course,” Katherine said,
encouraging him to continue. “Your work is much too important. Can
you excuse me a minute? I’ve got to go to the restroom.” Katherine
signaled Joe and headed

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