Kiss This
damn proud of himself.
After giving her an elated grin, they continued walking.
    But Camryn’s words were more devastating to
herself than she made them sound, and that scared the hell out of
her. Teague was gorgeous, smart, and humorous. She knew right then
and there that she had her work cut out for her. Keeping a casual
friendship with this guy until she left might prove to be a little
    “Oh, and Camryn?” he said as they walked
towards the public stairs. “I don’t have a six-pack,” he smiled,
shaking his head. “For you I have an eight -pack.”
    Teague returned to his house an hour later,
a stupid ass smile on his face and a skip in his step. Jay was
sitting on the couch in the back room, watching TV while playing
his guitar.
    “What the hell’s up with you?” Jay asked.
“You look like you just screwed the head cheerleader. You catch up
to her?”
    “Don’t be such a sick perv. Yeah I caught up
to her. Barely. And no we didn’t,” he added, just before Jay asked
    “So what happened?”
    Teague shrugged. “We talked. I walked her
home. Well, she’s just visiting her mom, I guess.”
    “Ah, so a quick fling and then she’s out of
your hair. Sounds perfect! I’m fucking jealous.”
    Teague didn’t respond and made his way to
the kitchen. Nothing about him screamed commitment these days. He
liked it that way.
    “She’s gonna be at Grady’s party tonight,”
Teague couldn’t help but mention. “Kyah invited her.”
    “Hey, that’s cool. You work your cards
right, I’ll forget about hiring you a prostitute.”
    Teague chuckled with amusement. “No way in
    “What, the prostitute or getting blondie to
tickle your love stick?”
    The evening seemed to drag on, and when they
finally left for Grady’s, Teague felt like doing everything double
speed just to get there faster. They entered the house right before
nine, and he automatically scanned the room for Camryn. He even
looked for Kyah’s dark skin and jet-black hair, believing they were
most likely with each other.
    Finally he spotted Camryn when he made his
way to the basement. There were about twenty people down there,
dancing to music and mixing drinks at the wet bar. It looked like
Kyah was introducing her to a few people, so Teague just hung back
for a bit.
    Jay stuck with him, wondering why he was
lurking. “You gonna just watch her all night?” he joked to Teague.
“You’re kinda being a creeper.”
    “Shut up,” Teague smiled good-naturedly.
“I’m just timing this right.”
    “Man, you must want this girl big time. And
shit, I can see why,” Jay added, looking her over. Camryn had on
faded slim-fitting jeans that were very worn in a few places, and a
dark green sleeveless top that tied around her neck. Her long hair
was down and slightly wavy, and even from across the room they
could tell she had a bit of makeup on her eyes. “She’s definitely
boner worthy, I’ll give her that,” Jay nodded.
    Teague was taking in her looks too, and he
basically tuned out everything else in the room so he could absorb
her entire presence without being distracted.
    Jay grabbed a beer and a soda from a nearby
cooler and handed one to Teague. “At least don’t look like
you’re just staring at her.”
    Teague shrugged. “I don’t care if she
notices. Women like to know they’re wanted.”
    At the same time, he saw that someone else
was observing Camryn. Teague’s smile faded as he watched Garrett
Daniels and another douchebag approach her. Kyah introduced them,
and whereas Garrett looked as if he were ready to turn on the
charm, Camryn only gave him a polite but totally uninterested
    Teague grunted his satisfaction. Then he
moved across the room, away from the dance floor where he could
hear a little better. Garrett was trying to get her to dance with
him, but she kept turning him down.
    “Ah, come on, don’t be shy. If you want,
I’ll teach you some moves.”
    Camryn took a

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