Kiss This
replied. “Did my hair turn out okay?” He pretended to touch it
gently so he didn’t mess it up.
    It was in a fauxhawk tonight, and Camryn
figured it probably didn’t matter what he did with it; he’d
look sexy no matter what. “Your hair is lovely,” she told him. “You
must condition it well.”
    “Yeah, well, you know… All the wind
    She smiled. “You’ll have to let me in on the
    “No problem. You can join me next time I
wash it.”
    That time she laughed, thoroughly
entertained but uneasy at the same time. She’d set herself up for
that one. “Possibly,” she mused.
    “Possibly, huh?” he grinned. He put his arm
behind her on the couch and leaned in. “Now we’re talking. So
earlier you said you’re just visiting for a couple of weeks, so
where are you from, Camryn?” he asked softly.
    She eyed him evenly and answered,
    His pause was strange, but he remained
neutral and replied, “Ah, a Cali girl. Hmm, wouldn’t have guessed
    “Why not?”
    He lifted an eyebrow but didn’t answer.
Camryn used the moment to take a drink but could still feel his
eyes on her.
    “I’m gonna head for the deck,” he finally
said. “Will you come with me?”
    She knew it was so he could smoke, but she
got up to follow him out there anyways.
    “Do you have a coat?” he asked. “It’s cold
    “I’ll be fine for a little bit.” As it was,
his presence was making her body overheat. She could use some cold
air to chill her hormones.
    Teague stepped out the back door, felt which
way the wind was blowing, and moved for the railing to his left.
Camryn joined him as he removed a pack out of his pocket and
offered it to her.
    “I don’t smoke,” she answered.
    “Good for you,” he said, pulling out a
cigarette for himself.
    “I drink like a fish, though,” she added,
tipping the last of her beer into her mouth. She set the empty
bottle on the railing.
    “A chain smoker and an alcoholic,” Teague
joked. “What a pair we are.”
    She barely scoffed with a smile, but didn’t
bother to correct him. “I’ll quit if you do,” she winked.
    “Deal,” he said right away. He blew the
smoke away from her and, holding his cigarette up, added, “After
this one, of course.”
    With a chuckle she said, “Fine, then I
should go grab my last drink.”
    “I’ll wait for you,” he motioned to the
house. She was amused as she leaned her butt against the railing,
but Teague shook his head. “I’m not kidding. I’ll quit if you
    “I was joking.”
    “I’m not,” he said, taking a drag and
releasing it. “Tell me to quit and I will.”
    “Quit smoking, Teague. It’s bad for you. And
it’s disgusting.”
    “Ah, so you’re saying you wouldn’t kiss a
smoker, huh?”
    She barely smiled. “I didn’t say that. But I
wouldn’t kiss you anyways.”
    He raised both eyebrows. “Goddamn, you’re
harsh. What’d I ever do to you?” He smiled and took another drag,
and then dropped the cigarette into her empty bottle. “Why wouldn’t
you kiss me? We can flirt and keep building all this sexual
tension, but I’m not allowed to ever kiss you? ‘Cause I’m thinking
it’s kind of impossible to avoid with the way you and I seem to be
drawn to one another. You sure you want to interfere with
    Camryn could hear the noise from inside the
house, but when Teague stepped closer to her, her heart was
pounding even louder in her ears. She’d had guys try to kiss her
several times in the past couple of years but she made sure nothing
ever came of it. She either avoided the situation altogether, or
they had to learn the hard way. Since Zach, Camryn promised herself
she wouldn’t kiss another man unless she was in love with him.
She’d held firm to that rule and never had cause to waver from it.
The desire hadn’t even entered a single part of her.
    Until now.
    This was the first time Camryn had ever considered breaking her

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