Kiss This
casual sip of her drink but
her smirk was unmistakable. “I’m neither shy nor incapable of
dancing. I’d just rather not dance with you .”
    The light in Garrett’s eyes dimmed just a
bit and he gave her a scrutinizing stare. “Tell me why,” he asked,
folding his arms across his chest. Teague didn’t like the way the
guy’s demeanor changed, and he knew it had everything to do with
his ego being slapped by a female.
    “Don’t be such a dick, Garrett,” Kyah told
him. “Back off.”
    “Hey, I’m just trying to be social,” he
shrugged. “But I guess your friend seems a bit stuck up for her own
    “There’s a difference between stuck up and
confident,” Camryn smiled as she set the rest of her drink on the
bar. “I know you’re not my type, so why waste my time?”
    “Maybe you don’t know what your type is,
sugar. I think you’re just playing hard to get.”
    “Think again,” she cocked an eyebrow and
stepped around him to walk away.
    “That means we’ll catch up later.” He
slapped her ass with an arrogant laugh and Teague’s entire body
went taut with anger. But before he could take a step to intercede,
Camryn instantly whipped around and sent her fist into the guy’s
stomach, causing him to double over with a loud groan. Then she
leaned over too, placing her palms on her knees as she tilted her
head to look at him.
    “Do it again, and next time it’ll be your
cocky smile that I clock, asshole.”
    Teague was frozen at first, and then he had
to hold in a laugh while Jay continued to gape with wide eyes. They
watched Camryn turn on her heel with Kyah, and the girls headed up
the stairs.
    “Jesus, you seriously want to get with that ?” Jay finally asked.
    Teague slowly nodded, staring at the empty
stairs where her perfect ass had just climbed. “Oh hell yeah,” he
answered with surety.
    Jay shook his head. “You know why I call you
a dumbass all the time, right?” It became a rhetorical question
when Teague didn’t respond. He was still in a stupor, gawking at
the stairs. “Well that totally just solidifies it,” Jay mumbled,
shaking his head.
    “Talk to you later,” Teague finally said,
handing Jay his Pepsi. He was going to follow Camryn up the steps,
but something Garrett said about her to another guy made him stop
as he passed by. He turned to face the conceited bastard and said,
“Stay the fuck away from her. If you bother her again, you’ll have me to deal with.”
    Teague completed his trek for the stairs and
Jay decided to follow him.

Chapter Five
    “I honestly don’t know where those guys
are,” Kyah said, scrolling through her phone as they sat on an
empty couch. “I’d call Teague but the guy doesn’t give his number
out to anyone. Lemme see if Jay will answer his phone,” she
    Camryn couldn’t help but smile to herself.
So Teague was telling her the truth, huh?
    “No need,” she told Kyah, pointing with her
bottle of beer.
    Teague had just entered the front room with
Jay right behind him. Kyah hung up her phone and waved them over,
giving Camryn time to slow her heart rate from seeing him again.
But damn, if that wasn’t impossible. Teague’s eyes found hers
immediately and never broke the connection his entire trip across
the room. She felt heat prickle up her neck and it most likely
settled into a lovely pink across her cheeks. Thank God the room
was dimly lit.
    “Hello, Camryn,” he greeted her.
    His smile and smooth baritone voice
automatically affected her lower anatomy. She had to uncross her
legs just to fight off her reaction to him. Obviously her body was
reminding her of a few things.
    “Hey, Teague,” she nodded. She took a sip of
her beer and added, “Why’d you keep me waiting?”
    He smiled at her upfront personality and
squeezed into a spot next to her, forcing Kyah to move over. She
was busy talking to Jay anyways, who was perched on the arm of the
couch at the other end. “Had to look my best for you,”

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