Zombie Dawn Exodus
pushed an electronic device inside
the doorway. The device was a remote camera system and provided
detailed thermal and visible light imaging of the area. He turned
back to the Captain.
    “It looks clear to me, no sign of life or movement
anywhere in there,” he said.
    Black gave the signal and the rest of the group
moved into the stairwell, each of the Marines scanned around to
make sure no surprises would impede their progress. The Marines
were all equipped with lanterns either fixed to their shoulders or
to their weapons. The beams provided a dull yellow glow to the dark
and dusty interior.
    With the deck level secured the Marines moved up the
staircase and continued on their mission to the bridge. Some of the
emergency lights provided a small amount of red lighting, but most
of the route was dark and unlit.
    On the starboard side of the vessel Fernanda and her
unit were already up two floors when they came across the first
bodies. On the floor were several corpses, as well as three twisted
and contorted bodies that were obviously zombies. The main
difference was that the clothing of the zombies was torn and
damaged as well as their skin and flesh. The zombie bodies were
also damaged, with at least one missing a limb. The other bodies
were unharmed, apart from a small number of bite wounds and
injuries. The Marines had experienced these kinds of bodies before
and were all too familiar with the dangers.
    The Marines placed a remote sensor unit that
combined thermal imaging and a rotating camera unit that could
monitor the entire floor. Continuing past the bodies they moved up
the stairwell and to the part of the ship known as the Commodore’s
Club. This was a small but exclusive bar that provided views out
over the bow of the ship. The door leading inside was half open and
a body in a uniform was sprawled out blocking the way in.
    Fernanda updated Captain Black with her
    “Sir, we have secured the floor leading to the
Commodore’s Bar. We’ll clear this section then meet you at the
bridge,” she said.
    “Understood, we are one floor above you and
approaching the luxury suites. Be careful, we’ve found bodies from
the crew and the undead already,” answered Captain Black.
    Sergeant Fernanda entered the bar, closely followed
by three more Marines who raised their weapons, scanning for signs
of trouble. The bar was smaller than she expected but it was well
furnished. All along the length of the room were windows facing
forwards. She moved up and spotted the Marines out in the
forecastle. To the left was a small group in civilian attire, which
must have been Dr Garcia and her assistants.
    “Sir, it looks like the Doctor has arrived on the
forecastle,” she said into her radio.
    “Affirmative,” came the response.
    Looking around she was satisfied the room was
    “Close it up, we need to keep moving.”
    They left the room whilst they sealed it securely
behind them and then returned to the stairwell. Moving upwards they
entered a small lobby area that led to the luxury suites. These
were the forward facing accommodation and therefore the most
expensive and prestigious parts of the ship to stay in. All of the
doors were either broken open or slightly ajar.
    Throughout the open area a number of bodies were
dotted around, as well as blood stains and burn marks. It was a
main hub for this part of the ship and the number of bodies
suggested quite a few people had been caught out there.
    Johnson examined part of the damaged wall and then
double-checked two of the bodies. He turned to Sergeant
    “There was definitely a battle of some kind here,
look,” he said as he pointed to a number of objects near the
    As she stepped forwards Johnson prised what looked
like an improvised maul from the fingers of the dead man on the
    “Yeah, I’ve seen this before. Be careful,” she
    The communication system clicked, informing her that
Captain Black was approaching the luxury suites

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