Zombie Dawn Exodus
has set
up so far. He then flipped out a secondary screen from the rear of
the machine that showed another two views, one from the UAV and the
other from the hovercraft that was returning to the ships.
    The door opened and in walked Dr Garcia, flanked by
two of her personal security guards. These men were very well armed
and wearing purpose built body armour, perfectly designed for use
in infected areas. She walked onto the bridge and looked around,
taking in the computer terminals, networked systems and power units
dotted about. She then turned to Captain Black.
    “This is as expected. The equipment looks undamaged
but we don’t have the main power back up do we?” she asked.
    “That’s correct, from my plans we would need to
reach the auxiliary engine room to reactivate the power.”
    “That’s ok. We aren’t looking at taking the ship. We
just need enough power to get the computer system and network back
up so we can see what’s going on here,” she replied.
    Two more Marines arrived. They were carrying Dr
Garcia’s equipment and placed it down near their own surveillance
equipment. Dr Garcia gave their gear a quick glance.
    “Quaint,” she said annoyingly and then turned to her
own people.
    “Get the portable power rigs up. You, set up my
system over there next to the network switches,” she ordered.
    The Marine nodded and started moving the equipment
to the appropriate place. Captain Black moved up to the Doctor.
    “Nice to see you’re getting comfortable here. How
long do you need to get the security feeds back up?” he asked.
    “Well, I anticipate it will take around fifteen
minutes to power up the bridge’s systems and then up to ten minutes
to break the security. I’ve checked the system specifications and
it shouldn’t be too much of a problem…assuming no more
interruptions,” she said.
    “Then don’t waste time talking to me,” he said as he
moved back to the group of Marines waiting at the other side of the
bridge. As he made his way across the room he radioed in.
    “Black here. Bridge is secure, suites secure and
forecastle is secure. Anticipate access to security feeds in
approximately twenty five minutes,” he reported.
    “Affirmative. Do you require anything else for your
operation?” came the reply from Captain Mathius back onboard the
    “Negative, we have everything we need. Just make
sure the helo and LCAC are ready in case we hit trouble. We don’t
know what else is out here,” answered Captain Black.
    The lights in the room flickered, causing Captain
Black to look back at Dr Garcia and her team. One of the
technicians looked back at him, noting his interest.
    “We’re getting there,” he said, almost
    * * *
    Sergeant Fernanda and her squad were secure in their
position outside the luxury suites, just one level below the
bridge. In the fifteen minutes since they’d been there they’d come
across no movement, either dead or alive. On the improvised
barricade one of the Marines had set up his M249 machine gun and
was scanning it from side to side, looking for trouble down the
dark hallways.
    Fernanda’s radio crackled.
    “This is Black, we have partial feeds up and
working. I’m sending down six men to relieve you.”
    “Sir?” replied Fernanda.
    “I need you to take your squad directly to the Grand
Lobby and fast.”
    “Have you found something?” she asked, sounding
    “Most of the cameras are down in the aft section of
the ship and a large number are also down near the Grand Lobby.
We’ve managed to isolate sounds in that area though and it seems
there’s movement there, but we cannot determine whether it’s
survivors or the undead. We have a route that appears clear to get
you there.”
    “What’s the rush? Can’t we wait until we have more
intel before we go in?” she said.
    “We could, but it seems the ship has problems,
serious problems.”
    “What do you mean?” asked Fernanda.
    As she

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