off, dumped her drink in the sink and rinsed the glass, stuck the beer back in the fridge . . . and smoothed her sundress with a twinge of disappointment that Zach and she wouldn’t be making fast, frantic love on the couch, or in the tiny elevator, or in her new California king bed.
She set the alarm, exited by the side door next to the driveway, and saw that Zach wasn’t even watching her, which was a little deflating. He sagged over the wheel.
He is tired
, Enzo said.
With her new sandal heels clicking on the concrete, she crossed to the driver’s door of the truck and opened it and tugged on his arm. “Come on. I’m driving.”
Zach gave her crooked smile. “Damn, the sexual buzz has crashed. I’m blocking your car in the garage.”
“No you aren’t. I got a new one.” She gestured to a black luxury sedan of a modest size. Like most guys hearing the words
new car
, Zach perked up a little.
“You can be my first passenger.”
Enzo barked.
“Other than Enzo.”
Zach looked at the ghost dog. “Hope you didn’t leave any nasty residue, guy.” The man hesitated.
“I know you prefer to drive, Zach, and like being in control, but I’m fresh and you aren’t. Give the macho thing a break.”
A spurt of laughter came from him as he shook his head and stepped from the cab, pulling his cane after him.
He aimed a kiss for her lips but she turned her cheek, having no doubt at all that those sexual urges in him could easily revive. He
the sexiest, most macho man she’d ever been with. One of a type she’d never have considered.
He was extremely competent when faced with danger—or a woman seeming to go crazy. Yes, the feelings he aroused in her—not only lusty ones—made her brain whisper that she’d like to keep him as long as possible.
But he moved close, his left arm with the cane went around her back, and she was pressed against his hard body. She looked up at him, riveted by the hungry look in his eyes, one that caused her own desire to flare high. She thought his need—and her own—was more than lust, sliding into an emotional connection.
His touch had her whole body clenching.
Then his head bent, and his lips were brushing hers, and she
to have a taste . . . Zach and that hint of sage and other spices.
God, he felt good, and his tongue sweeping through her mouth, and the simple large
of his body. She put her arms around his neck and flattened herself against him.
Clare! Zach! Are we going for a ride?
Chill zoomed through her. Zach flinched, too, and let her go. She stepped back with wobbly knees to see Enzo circling them, grinning.
Zach cleared his throat. “We gotta go.”
“Yes.” She kept to his left side and his bad leg, and placed her hand lightly on his left upper arm, the arm he used for his cane, keeping his right hand free for his gun. When they reached the car parked on the street, she pulled out the fob and held it close to the door, then realized that she didn’t need to insert a key because there was no key. She pressed the button, feeling a little embarrassed.
knew about fobs, and most people had a newer car than she. But she’d maintained the one she’d bought fourth-hand in college and had seen no need for such an expense when the old one ran fine.
With a slight smile, Zach said, “You could have done that from the driveway.”
She chuckled at herself. “Yes, I’m not used to it yet. I’ve been mostly walking around the neighborhood. I’m getting a bike, too.” She opened the door with a flourish. “You can give me the coordinates for the GPS, then nap on the way. I know you won’t want to fight traffic.”
“Got that right.” Just before he sank into the seat, he handed her some folded papers that he took from his jacket pocket. “Rickman said he’d e-mail you these, too, but here’s the contract Laurentine signed, and an agreement to consult for Rickman Security and Investigations.”
“All right.” She stuck them
Marco Malvaldi, Howard Curtis