tapped the pad two more times to get the desired page which consisted of some reviews and names.
‘They are all OP-ED Columnist . It’s highly probable that his name will not feature in this list’ said Ryan and went to bed. ‘I got to get some rest now.’
Alicia stood in front of the white board calculating the number of suspects they got till now.
It was early morning , and the precinct was not yet crowded .Most of the uniforms and detectives usually comes much later. But Alicia was always quite punctual about her work, or at least when she got a case in her hands. She turned back and looked around, one or two cops were jerking among themselves, she also looked at Henderson’s room. It was empty. She at last resumed her gaze at the board.
She watched the smiling face of Jade Carter in the picture and she thought ‘Mr. Carter ,what were you up to?’ She read and reread the bio data , a short paragraph that she wrote last day.
She added a final sentence below the photo about who was the stranger who strangled him ? And where was he going in the middle of the night . Then she put a question mark at the end.
‘What’s up?’
Henderson came and interrupted her thoughts.
‘Uh, nothing. Just trying to see through the case, in case we have missed something’
‘Oh, yeah. How far are we?’
‘Well we scheduled a visit at the NY Times building today and will try to gather a little more information’
‘I see ,and do we have the CSU results ?’ said Henderson keeping his bag on the table.
‘I don’t know, I asked Kevin to get the results’
‘Yo ! I got it’
Alicia turned back as Ryan and Kevin entered.
‘Uh. Good Morning Mr. Henderson’ Ryan said. Ryan saw that Henderson was in a youthful mood today.
‘Morning’ said Henderson a little surprised.
‘So what is it?’ asked Alicia.
‘Well yeah’ Kevin checked the files one more time and continued ‘CSU checked everything and the only interesting thing that they found is a pair of fingerprints on the front seat belt of the car’
‘And they are not of Mr. Carter’s, it’s of someone else’s’ Added Ryan ‘We can hope to get a match’
‘And they also got it traced and matched the number plates of the SUV and found that it belongs to a garage which is in the West 37 th street.’
‘That’s just a few blocks away from the NY Times building’ replied Alicia. ‘Let’s start with the NY Times first then?’
‘Sure’ said Kevin.
‘Okay boys, so we got some new leads’ said Mr. Henderson as he smiled.
‘I asked the security guy, it’s the fourth floor’ said Alicia as she turned back to them .They were already inside the NY Times building which was nice, well polished and the structure looked sleek and tall, made mainly of steel with some other metals. They found some high quality cars and official NYT vans which stood at the gate .It had a high security system with camera’s everywhere, capturing every move from every angle. Inside the ground floor there was a reception area, some photographers could be seen adjusting their cameras , some announcement was also going on. The lobby was stylised with longs corridors which were often deserted. They were at first held by two fat security guys who asked them what purpose they had ,but later they became friendly and in turn helped Alicia with the floor.
They waited for the elevator to come down as Ryan pressed the switch .Soon the elevator door opened ,they entered and after some seconds it opened for the second time as they came out.
They entered a new floor with a vast room and found that a interview was going on at the end corner, facing the view of the Empire State Building in the background which was nearby. Maybe it was a interview for some purpose as some questioning was going on and a lot of cameras were there . It was a woman who was answering the questions , facing the mikes in front of