her. Two dudes held some personal DSLR camera’s for ‘‘off the record’’ recording.
Alicia ignored them and moved to the other room but a suited gentleman came in the middle and blocked their way.
‘Yes, how may I help you?’ he said with a slight Canadian accent.
‘We are looking for the director of this building’ Alicia replied in a professional tone.
‘And for what purpose , may I ask ?’
‘We are investigating a murder case and we need to talk to him’
‘Murder?’ he said with a confused expression.
‘Very well, what name should I give him ?’
‘I am Detective Quinn and these are my partners Detective Raglan and Connelly. And we are from NYPD’
‘Would you care to wait for a few seconds here?’
The man vanished inside just to return after few minutes . ‘That way Detectives’ he showed them the straight way ahead and escorted them there. He led them inside a new room , the front side was made of glass overlooking the city and a man sat behind the table on an expensive revolving chair.
The man was in his fifties with shades of greyness in his hair, sat behind the table .He had blurry eyes with a few wrinkles on his forehead. He wore a dark green suit with black stripes that were hardly visible.
‘Here are the’ the man who bought them here said ‘Detectives from NYPD who wishes to talk to you’
‘Okay?’ he said and stood up. The other man who seemed to be his assistant left them.
‘Bill Jameson’ he introduced himself ‘Pleasure to meet you’
Alicia shook hands, introduced herself and others . ‘Likewise’ she said.
He took his seat again and Alicia , Ryan , Kevin did the same.
‘So Detectives, what’s the matter?’ he asked at last.
‘Do you know anyone named Jade Carter?’ Alicia started .
‘Jade Carter’ Mr. Jameson thought for a moment. Then he said ‘Oh, yes Jade .Yeah, I know him’
‘Well we were investigating his murder’ Ryan said.
‘Murder?’ he agonized a little. ‘What do mean?’
‘He was killed yesterday at dawn’
‘Who killed him ?’
‘That’s what we’re trying to find out’ said Kevin as Mr. Jameson remained quiet.
‘Okay, when was the last time you saw him?’ Alicia started the main course of questioning.
‘Yeah Sunday, I think’
‘And you were not worried , that why didn’t he came back on Monday?’
‘Because he said he wouldn’t’
‘Did he say why wouldn’t he?’
‘He said he would be off for three days ,he had some personal work to do, that’s for what he came to me, to ask for the approbation from me’
‘Ok, and he was all natural?’ said Alicia ‘Or was he all excited or depressed about something?’
‘All normal , I would say’
‘And do you want to name anyone else from this building who he had a conflict with?’
‘I can’t say that’ Mr. Jameson noted politely ‘I really don’t keep track of what everyone is doing here, or who have a bad relationship with whom .In that case you might want to try talking to some of the staffs here, although I am not sure if they will be able to provide anything helpful’
‘Then we need all the names of people who work here’
‘That would be a real long list’
‘Then shorten it and give us those names who he worked with’
‘That we can try’ said Mr. Jameson as he picked up the landline phone and dialled a number. He said ‘Send Clyde Henricks’
In a minute the man who bought them here appeared and said ‘You wanted to see me, sir?’
‘Uh...yeah, Give these detectives all the names of who works here. Include as many as possible’
‘In a minute, sir’ he acknowledged and left the room.
‘And just for the records’ said Kevin ‘May I ask where were you between 3 to 4 am Sunday night?’
‘I was... I was in home of course. But why do you ask?’
‘We are just trying to get as much information as we can. I hope you won’t mind’ said Ryan.
‘And can say anything more