Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1)

Read Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Jourdyn Kelly
Tags: Paranormal
    "Do you realize what we could do with a cure for Cursed Ones! We would be rich!"
    "This is not for the money, Bernard!" Papa snaps. "This is to save my - village. To save those poor souls who are Cursed. You would do well to remember that. If you expect something more from this, you can leave and never return."
    "Fine, fine. We do it for the village. I think you are missing a tremendous opportunity here. But, I will do as you ask and help."
    Perhaps it was the Hunter in me, or maybe the Cursed One in me, but something did not feel right to me where Bernard was concerned. There was something in his voice that was - off.

    Papa finally thinks I am ready to go out hunting - real Hunter's hunting - by myself. It is absurd for me to be nervous, but it is true nonetheless. I dress carefully in the garments mum made. They are certainly form fitting, but surprisingly easy to maneuver in. I tuck stakes into the belt at either side of my torso, making sure they were easily accessible. I place my dagger in my belt, as well, and use the sheaths on my thighs to hold the special swords papa made. He trained me to use both at one time. It was difficult to get used to at first, but now, I almost feel unarmed without both.
    I pick up the cloak and slip it on. Behind this cloak, I will be a Hunter, not the hunted. As long as I have this, I feel safe and protected - even a bit powerful.
    "Anala, oh!" Mum's hand flutters to her mouth, and her breath caught on a small cry.
    "Do not cry, mum. Everything will be fine." I smile sweetly at her, as I did when I was younger.
    She comes to me and fiddles with the cloak. "I know, honey. It is just - I have never seen you look so grown up. And formidable." She touches my cheek. "You must remember to keep this on, with the hood. Do not let anyone see your face. And, please, come home to us."
    "I promise. Is papa coming to see me off?"
    "He and Bernard are working in the lab. He wants to make sure Bernard stays busy while you go out."
    "I see." It hurts a bit that papa is not saying goodbye to me on my first night hunting. I promised mum I would return, but truth is, that is not guaranteed.
    "He loves you, Anala. He has taught you everything you need to know to survive. Do not devastate him by not coming home."
    "Yes, ma'am." With a quick hug, I pull the hood over my head, concealing my identity, and hurry out.

    Papa had secured a horse for me that was not my own. He said we could not take chances that someone would recognize my personal horse. The stallion I ride now is solid. I do not spend much time getting acquainted with him, but he does not seem to mind.
    I ride up the mountain and stop at a ledge overlooking the village. It is a good vantage point for me, and out of the way enough that other Hunters would be scarce here.
    It is quiet. Too quiet. This stillness could put me in much danger if I allow it to. I must not let my mind linger. Stay alert, Anala. I scan the village and its surroundings. I can see Hunters patrolling, even some fighting Cursed Ones. I contemplate going down to help, but they seem to have everything in control. Using my knowledge of my own abilities, especially the stealth, I concentrate harder on my surroundings. Listening so intently that I can hear the beating of my stallions heart. If I am not mistaken, I believe I can even hear the rustling of small insects roaming the ground.
    Being Cursed, I hear the subtle whisper of sound, but it is the Hunter in me that feel my visitors are Cursed Ones. That they were still a distance away, and in no hurry, means they have not sensed me, yet. In a deft move, I bounce to my feet on my steed's back and leap to the tree branch above me. I click my tongue and my horse trots off. No need to lose a perfectly good horse to those things. I crouch on the branch - and wait.

    The wait is not long. In moments, a group of Cursed Ones - six that I can see - saunter up under my branch. There are no words between them, only

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