occasional sniffs in the air. How they did not detect me above them is beyond me, but I use it to my advantage. Silently, I grasp both swords, and in a single movement I jump out - doing a pretty impressive flip mid-air - while the blades of my swords slid gracefully from their hilts. On the way down, I take out two of the Cursed Ones with a quick slice across their necks. Then - as they say - all hell breaks loose. The others turn on me with their agile speed. But, I am faster. In a flurry of ducks, spins, jumps and expertly placed lunges, twists and strokes of my blade, Cursed Ones fall at my feet. One grabs me from behind, and I feel it going for my neck as the another runs towards us. I flick my sword towards the running one and it finds its target, piercing right through the heart. He goes down, paralyzed. I grab the one currently fighting for my neck by the head and flip her over my body. She fights like a brute warrior, hitting me and snapping at me with her long teeth. I cannot get my sword around fast enough to end her, so I fight back with everything I have.
She kicks me in the stomach - lucky shot - and I soar in the air. With a swift jerk, I manage to land on my feet about one hundred feet away from her. She is on me in less than a second and I have to duck to avoid the swing of her arm aimed at my head. Kneeling, I turn my sword around and thrust it behind me, into her chest. When she falls, I take a second to catch my breath.
"Bloody fierce aren't you?" I say to her still figure. I wipe blood from my mouth and roll my shoulders. Placing a foot on her stomach, I grab the hilt of my sword. I draw it back out of her chest and force it across her neck. Doing the same with the other, I wipe the blades, retract them and place them back beneath my cloak. A quick scan finds my horse not far down below me, but as I am about to descend I smell that familiar smell.
"That was amazing."
I freeze at the sound of his Irish brogue. Say nothing, I warn myself. Do not turn around, do nothing that would expose you.
"Six. I counted. And, you took them all out by yourself." His voice held an awe that I should have been delighted by. Instead, I am annoyed that he just watched rather than jump in and help me. As mum said, I am alone out here.
"I should have helped," he says, mimicking my thoughts. "But, I was...mesmerized. That is the only word I can think of as to why I did not act." He comes closer and I ready myself to flee if I need to.
"Who are you?"
Slowly, he steps even closer. That is enough for me. I jump from my spot, landing smoothly on my stallions back. I only hesitate for an instant before I ride off in the opposite direction of home.
Hours - and countless Cursed Ones - later, I finally arrive home, certain that no one saw me. It is almost dawn, but I still have the darkness to shadow my movements. I return the steed to his pasture, and lifting the staked Cursed One over my shoulder, I amble home.
Papa is waiting for me. He pretends he is sleeping, but I hear his breath, his heartbeat - which begin to return to normal when I walk in. He was afraid for me.
"Anala!" He rises, then stops abruptly when he sees what I carry. "You were able to secure one?"
I choose not to be insulted by his amazement. "Of course. You said it would help you."
"I take it you did well on your first night?"
He sounds almost envious. I cannot blame him. He is a Hunter, and that need to be out there never goes away. It is my fault he is stuck here, and I am sure I will feel guilty about that forever.
"Yes, sir." I want to tell him all about it! How incredible it felt to fight, to hunt. How strong I felt, and how the Cursed Ones did not stand a chance with me. Mum said the ones in transition were called Hybrids. But, I felt like the perfect Hybrid. Part Hunter, part Cursed - all intimidating. "The swords were amazing!"
"They worked, then?" The excitement in his voice is exactly what I am looking for.
"Oh, yes! They are