Dead Money Run

Read Dead Money Run for Free Online

Book: Read Dead Money Run for Free Online
Authors: J. Frank James
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Retail
waited for Hilary to ask more questions, but she never said a word.
    Pulling out of Eddie’s, I decided we needed some new clothes.
    “ We passed a mall on our way into town,” I said. “I need to get something better to wear and from the looks of it, you could use a few things too.”
    “What? You don’t like the off the rack hippy look?”
    “I’m okay with it. I’m just trying to win you over to my side of things,” I said.
    “And what side are you on , Lou. You just killed two men. Your side looks a little fuzzy from here.”
    I had nothing to add. I was tired and needed some sleep. I told her what we were doing and told her she could make what she wanted of it.
    “So , Lou, what’s the plan? I think I have a right to know.”
    “Not really . But since you asked, here it is.
    “In the morning we are going back to Eddie’s to pick up a car and get our new ID and credit cards for when we leave home.”
    “Why do I need new ID ’s?” she asked.
    “In case you get lost,” I said.
    “Okay, then what?”
    “What’s this with the twenty questions,” I said. “You should be happy you’re still looking down at the grass and not up.”
    “You’re a funny man. I just want to know where we are going so I can be prepared when they arrest us.”
    “Nobody is going to arrest us,” I said. “We haven’t done anything yet to get arrested.”
    “No, I suppose those two dead bodies back at the pond were just part of a video game.”
    “ They’re just collateral damage. Now we’re two hundred points up,” I said.
    “After we get thi s car in the morning, are we headed back to Jacksonville?”
    “ I think you are on to something,” I said.
    “What about my friend’s car.?”
    “I’m going to give you five grand to give to her and that’s tax free. The car wasn’t worth more than five hundred bucks, assuming she could find someone dumb enough to buy it from her. Then we are headed to Jacksonville Beach to meet Lockman. I want to hear what he has to say. If he is cooperative, he will live to see another day. If he isn't, well…that will be another matter.”
    “Another killing you mean?”
    “I wouldn't think along those lines,” I said. “My sister was killed for a reason. I think I was part of that reason. It was either to get information from her that she didn't have or to put pressure on me to cough up what I knew about the money or Lockman killed her to get the money for himself. Either way he’s dirty.
    “So that’s it. Once we get to a hotel I suggest you take a shower and get cleaned up. After that, well…we’ll see.”
    The mall was bigger than I thought . It had two big anchor stores called Parisian’s and Dillard’s. I hadn’t bought new clothes in fifteen years and I wasn't sure of my size. I asked Hilary if she would come with me first and then we would get what she needed. The salesman that waited on us was helpful, but suspicious. He asked a lot of questions that I didn’t give him answers to. I told him my name and that we were new to the area. He had his name tag pinned on a store blazer over his left pocket. It reminded me of a dog tag. The tag said his name was Stanley. He probably practiced the name routine each day before heading to work.
    “Where have you been buying your clothes , Mister Addams?” he asked.
    Hilary was quick to the answer, “We are from Tennessee , Sweetie, and up in the hills we don’t have to get too fancy, but Junior here is going in for a new job at the port and he wants to look nice.”
    “Yes, I can understand,” said Stanley. “I mean , it’s not every day I see clothes like what Junior has on. They look like something someone would get from a prison.”
    “Prison,” said Hilary. “What the Sam Hill you talking about , Boy? You saying we’re convicts?”
    “ No, no,” said Stanley. “I just meant the clothes are coarse like. I mean, home spun.”
    It was my turn now.
    “Look Bud, just get me a couple of shirts, some socks,

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