Dead Money Run

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Book: Read Dead Money Run for Free Online
Authors: J. Frank James
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Retail
underwear, shoes with no holes in the bottoms, jeans with no suspenders and a belt. I need a belt.” Looking over Stanley’s head I saw a coat that made a perfect hide for the Glock-17.
    “I’ll take that coat over yonder ,” I said.
    Looking in the direction I was pointing with my chin, Stanley said, “Good choice. We just got those in. A hundred percent chamois. I think you are an extra-large. What color?”
    “He’ll take that dark brown one,” said Hilary. “Junior , you look good in brown. Remember how good you looked after that hog wrestling contest back at Daddy’s place. You were covered head to foot in pig shit.”
    Hilary had a big smile on her face and Stanley wanted us out of there.
    “I’ll take one of the blue ones. Always wanted a blue coat,” I said.
    Hilary started laughing. People were starting to gather around and stare like we were a couple of barnyard animals.
    In an hour, we had everything we needed. Hilary bought some things she never thought she would buy. When we got back to the car, we put everything in the trunk of the Mustang and drove around looking for a hotel. Driving back toward downtown, I found a hotel called the Tower River Inn in the downtown area of Savannah. It was near the Savannah River made famous by Johnny Mercer’s song ‘Moon River’ in the movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's . Hilary hummed the song as we drove.
    “I wonder why there is so much hate in the world, Lou.”
    “I don’t know . Greed probably,” I said.
    “The song ‘Moon River’ is so beautiful. I remember seeing the movie four times. I wanted to be like Audrey Hepburn.”
    “For some reason , the name, Holly Golightly, doesn’t seem to fit you,” I said.

    Chapter 12
    B y my nature, I’m not a sentimental person. Prison beat that out of me. But, Hilary was right. The world could be a bad place, but also a good place, full of hope and dreams.
    “Things could be worse,” I said. “ After all, look what has happened so far. We have money. A new car and if we don’t get hit by a truck, we just might make it.”
    “You have such a way with words , Lou,” said Hilary, “and I like it that you used the word ‘We’.”
    Reaching over Hilary squeezed my hand. I felt like saying, ‘Ah sucks’, but I kept my counsel.
    “Oh look , Lou, a horse drawn carriage. Savannah is just beautiful.”
    “I suppose,” I said. “I’m not much on towns. One always seemed no better than another to me.”
    “Lou, you must have been dropped as a child. You’re too pessimistic. There are some good people in the world.”
    “Maybe so,” I said. “I just haven’t met them yet.”
    When we checked in I told the front desk jockey that we wanted the best room in the house. He said that he had just the room. When he offered to take our stuff up to the room, I told him I would handle it. I got one of the trolleys and loaded everything on it, including the duffel bag with the money in it.
    When we got to the room, the clerk was right. If it wasn't the best room in the house, it was damn close. The place had a large bedroom with one of those California beds. It was the kind of bed where it would take you a week to sleep on every square foot of it. Hilary floated into the bedroom and dumped her new clothes on the bed and turned toward me and said, “Lou, sometimes you can be the nicest killer I have ever known”
    “It’s nice to be nice,” I said.
    “Okay, Big Boy, I’m going to go in the bathroom and check it out. I feel like I haven’t had a bath in a week.”
    As I watched Hilary take her new clothes and go to the bathroom, I had one problem. How to take a shower myself and not leave Hilary to her own devices? I thought about tying her up. I had picked up a roll of Duct Tape from Eddie’s place. I would tell her that I knew her cover and that there was nothing she could do about it. If she tried to ring the bell on me I would have to kill her. Nothing personal. It was business. Just that

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