Dead Money Run

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Book: Read Dead Money Run for Free Online
Authors: J. Frank James
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Retail
    While she was in the shower, I checked her purse and noticed that she had not taken her cellphone into the bathroom. That was a good sign and I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I had a better plan. Taking off my clothes I walked into the bathroom to test it out.

Chapter 13
    I watched the clock’s red numbers flashing on the nightstand next to my side of the bed the number five. Like a beacon in the night, it signaled its warning. Someone previously had set the clock’s silent alarm for five o’clock in the morning and if I ever found them, I wanted to thank them personally. I thought about turning over and going back to sleep, but Hilary’s right breast and arm were draped across my chest.
    Last night had been a surprise for both of us. When I got in the shower with Hilary, it flipped a switch inside of me. For fifteen years, I never cared about anything or anyone except myself and staying alive. I was the center of my universe. Last night changed that.
    To say that Hilary was adding a new dimension to my life would be an understatement. Like shoes, relationships for some people were nothing more than fleeting moments of emotions and you kept them around because they were comfortable. I did not believe making emotionally based decisions. They never worked out in the end for me. At this point, I wasn’t sure what to do about Hilary. However, it was a little early in the morning to think about the future.
    Since w e never made it out of our room last night, I was starving. The hotel claimed to have a first class restaurant, but at five in the morning the restaurant might as well been on the moon.
    All was not lost. The room was equipped with a small kitchen with a coffeemaker and, for starters, a cup of coffee would do. Slowly I lifted Hilary’s arm off my chest and rolled out of bed. Finding my pants, I put them on and padded my way into the little kitchen. It had been fifteen years since I made coffee. It looked simple enough. Reading the coffee packets, they called for four cups of water to a packet of coffee. While in prison, I got a college degree in business. I laughed at myself thinking, I should have gotten the degree in home economics.
    Sitting at the small table, I waited for the coffeemaker to stop its gurgling and thought things over. Each day I seemed to have a new plan. First, it was to get the money and just leave the area. Then, when I got the letter about my sister’s death, the plan changed to that of finding her killer or killers and make them pay. Next, it was to get the money and still kill the bastards who were responsible for my sister’s death. Now, I wanted to find out more about Hilary. The one and only woman in my life I ever trusted was my sister. Now that she was gone, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to trust another person. I surprised myself by the fact that I even wanted to. It was a gamble, but then, what wasn’t?
    Finally the coffeemaker gurgle d to a stop. I poured a cup of coffee and sat back down. As I did, I felt a hand on my right shoulder. Looking up, I saw Hilary looking at me with the top sheet of the bed wrapped around her.
    “Would you happen to have another one of those handy?”
    “Coming right up, ma’am,” I said. “There’s no cream. Just these little creamer packets, if you like powdered milk.”
    “I’ll take it straight if you don’t mind .”
    Getting up I poured Hilary a cup of coffee and made another pot. The small bags claim ed to make four cups of coffee, but they must have been using espresso cups. When I sat back down Hilary was watching me over her cup of coffee.
    “Yes?” I said.
    “Last night was different, don’t you know?”
    “How is that?” I said.
    “I wanted to do that and I will want to do it again, but before I do, I have a confession to make.”
    “Alright,” I said.
    “I’m not what I told you I was. All the other times were lies I concocted to cover up other lies. I’m a private

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