
Read WitchLove for Free Online

Book: Read WitchLove for Free Online
Authors: Emma Mills
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, YA), Witches, supernatural, Vampires, Voodoo, Witchcraft
next to Brittany, who smiled and mouthed nice dress , as I gratefully sank down next to her.
    ‘What’s happening?’ I whispered directly in her ear.
    ‘Basically they’re giving him a right rollicking, but I think he’ll be okay, because angel’s can’t lie, so they know he’s told the truth when he says it was a one-off and was purely to save your life,’ Brittany whispered back.
    ‘So you say you no longer have the same romantic feelings for Jessica that you once did, when she was human?’ Ariel, the beautiful human-born angel asked Luke, her words making both me and Brittany jerk our heads up.
    ‘No, I do not. Even Jessie knows that I struggled with who she’d become until very recently. I hated that she was a vampire,’ Luke replied, quickly looking at me and then away.
    ‘But now those feelings have subsided?’ Ariel said.
    ‘Yes they have, and too much has come between us. I think Jess feels the same when I say that we don’t see each other that way any longer. We are just friends .’
    Ariel and the other members of the Council seemed happy with his answer as they nodded slowly.
    ‘So Jessica, welcome back to court. Do his remarks hurt you? Did you feel something more when you bit him?’
    Oh heck! Suddenly and without warning all eyes turned to me and Ariel’s question rang in my ears. Of course I felt the same, we were friends now. I had Daniel… or I had, had Daniel, and then I’d lost Daniel and now he was back, wanting me… I really could not get into this right now. Luke needed me to get a grip and answer coherently! I looked up, and found myself staring straight into the eyes of Seth, the African Vampire. He smiled and ducked his head, urging me to speak.
    ‘Yes, I mean no, I didn’t feel anything more , well no more than any of the other times…’ Oh god! This was not coming out right. Luke looked confused, as did everyone else.
    ‘What do you mean other times?’ Balthazar said. ‘Luke has told us it was just the once, and we would be mightily surprised to find he had managed to lie.
    ‘I’m sorry Sir…Your Highness,’ I said, hearing Violet’s ‘tut’ just behind my ear. ‘I mean I’d been drinking bottled blood since I was turned and apart from Daniel, I’d only bitten one other person, before Luke that is… so I didn’t have much to go on. At the time I thought it was amazing, but I was dying, and new to the taste. Since then I have errr, fed normally in Sebastian’s club and I guess… well I guess I’m trying to say is that no, it wasn’t any different.’
    ‘I see,’ Balthazar said, his eyes crinkling slightly. ‘And you too believe that Luke is just a friend and nothing more?’
    I looked up at the boy I’d known since puberty and smiled. ‘He is the best friend you could ask for. He has saved me from death twice now, but yes, we are just friends. Too much has been said; too much has passed between us for that to change.’
    ‘Are we to believe her Seth? The girl seems confused as to what she feels, and I doubt even she knows the answer,’ Balthazar asked, turning to the vampire to his right.
    Seth looked at me again, his dark burgundy eyes shining and seeming to bore right into my soul, before he nodded once and smiled again.
    ‘I think a little confusion is only natural after what she’s been through, but she speaks the truth,’ he said.
    ‘Right, well in that case, I think we all agree on his punishment befitting a Level Five crime, agreed Council?’ Balthazar asked.
    The Council all nodded. I looked across at Luke and watched as relief flooded his features, and it was only when I saw him relax that I realised how anxious he had been.
    ‘Luke, what you have done is a serious crime, however we believe that any other angel with your position, history and compassion would have chosen the same course of action. Therefore we are sentencing you to a six month suspension from all court activities. During this time you will be stationed in York,

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