Witch Is Why Time Stood Still (A Witch P.I. Mystery Book 13)

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Book: Read Witch Is Why Time Stood Still (A Witch P.I. Mystery Book 13) for Free Online
Authors: Adele Abbott
are the problem. How did your house move go?”
    “Jack had to work, so it was left to muggins here to sort everything out.”
    “Oh dear. I bet that was a disaster, then.”
    “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
    “Organisation isn’t exactly your strong suit, is it, Jill? That’s why you have me.”
    “It actually went okay. We got all of my furniture out of storage. It looks great in the new house.”
    “What about Jack’s stuff?”
    “I put it all in the back bedroom.”
    “How does he feel about that?”
    “He’ll come around to the idea.” Eventually.
    “Anyway Jill, you and I need to have words.”
    Oh dear. That didn’t sound good.
    “I am rather busy this morning, Mrs V.”
    “That will have to wait. This is important. It’s about Jules.”
    I had a feeling it might be. “What about her?”
    “That young lady shows no respect for me at all.”
    “You never see one another. Jules works different days to you.”
    “I mean in the way she treats my possessions. Look, I’ll show you.”
    She beckoned me around the desk, and pointed to the bottom left-hand drawer. “This is my knitting drawer. And this.” She opened the bottom right-hand drawer. “This is my crochet drawer. Does that look like crochet to you?”
    The only thing in the drawer was a pile of magazines. “Don’t tell me Jules has thrown your crochet out.”
    “Good heavens, no. I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you now if she had. I’d be hunting her down.”
    “So where is your crochet?”
    “Here!” She opened the bottom left-hand drawer.
    “I thought you said that was your knitting drawer?”
    “It is, but if you look closely, you’ll see my knitting drawer now contains knitting and crochet.”
    “So, let me get this straight. Jules has moved your crochet out of that drawer, and put it into this one.”
    “Is that so terrible?”
    “That’s not all she’s done.” Mrs V glared at me. “Look! This is where I keep my patterns.”
    This time she was pointing to the middle right-hand drawer.
    “Does that look like patterns to you?”
    “No, it looks like makeup.”
    “It looks to me like Jules has taken the drawers on the right hand side of the desk, and left you with the drawers on the left.”
    “But surely, now you’re sharing jobs, that’s only fair. Isn’t it?”
    “I might have known you’d side with her. How long have I worked for you, and your father before you?”
    “A long time.”
    “I think that entitles me to keep my wool, crochet and patterns in the drawer of my choice. Don’t you, Jill?”
    “Well—err—it—” I glanced at my office door. “Was that my phone?”
    “I didn’t hear anything.”
    “I think it was. We’ll talk about this later.”
    I took that opportunity to slip through to my office. I’d needed that little outburst like I needed a hole in the head. At least I’d have some sanctuary in my own office.
    “Jill! This is an emergency,” Winky yelled.
    Once again, I’d spoken too soon.
    “What’s wrong? Have you run out of salmon?”
    “Nothing so trivial. Bella is leaving.”
    “What do you mean leaving ?”
    “Leaving! As in going away. No longer here.”
    “I know what the word means, but why? She hasn’t run away with Socks again, has she?”
    Winky gave me his one-eyed death-stare. “No, she has not run off with Socks or anyone else for that matter. Bella and I are an item now. The humans she lives with have decided they’re going to live somewhere else.”
    “When did all of this happen?”
    “I’ve only just found out. Bella sent me a message via helicopter.”
    “How is she taking it?”
    “How do you think? She’s devastated.”
    “I’m really sorry, but I’m not sure what I can do about it.”
    “You’d better think of something, and quick, because if I lose Bella, I’m going to be terminally depressed. Do you really want to have to live with that?”
    I didn’t. It was bad enough

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