Twist of Fate
off about something, and as soon as I saw that smile, I got that damn feeling in the pit of my stomach, and somewhere a little more south.  
    "I thought I told you to call me, Tommy," I said through clenched teeth.
    We exchanged knowing looks for a few seconds. "Oh, yeah, shit! Sorry, I forgot."
    I rolled my eyes, got up and stormed over to the mini fridge to grab another beer.
    Paige looked to him all wide eyed and innocent as hell. "Why do you need to call him before you come home?"
    "Oh, it's nothing. It's just...I forgot to tell him something earlier."
    Paige walked over to me instantly pulling me in for one her famous bear hugs. It amazed me how she could always pull me out of whatever asshole mood I was in just with one hug. Then she smiled.   "I haven't seen you in a few weeks. Come hang out. Tommy and I are heading to Mickey D's."
    I glared at Tommy almost pleading with him silently to get her out of here. He shrugged like he didn't give a shit. "She has a hankering for a Big Mac."
    I knew I should say no, but Paige had her hands together like she was praying, jumping up and down, saying over and over again, "Please, Ben? Please, come?" The only thing I could focus on was her chest bopping up and down. I was such a prick.
    "Fine," I grumbled. I never could say no to her.
    Tommy shook his head several times, staring at me like I had no balls. He was probably right. At this moment, my cojones were officially missing.
    The entire drive she didn't shut up about Matt and how great he was, and how she really didn't expect Arizona to be like this. She was sitting up front with Tommy, and I was riding in the damn back. She was wearing this short little skirt, and a tank top that showed off just the right amount to make you wonder what was underneath. I forced myself to focus at everything that passed us by, and not how perfect she looked. But, in that shirt she was practically screaming, 'hey Ben, look at me.'
    Tommy cranked up the air, causing Paige's hair to blow all over.   I was mesmerized watching her as she pulled the long blond strands back, then began to make some weird knot that held it all up in one messy pile. It'd been hot as hell all summer. It was October, and it still felt like August.
    Once inside I waited for Paige to slip into the booth. I nudged Tommy to sit next to her, while I slipped in across from them with a tray full of food. Since Tommy drove, and well, Paige was Paige, I paid for it all.
    When I thought about getting out of there she scooted up in her seat, leaning forward. She was wearing one of those strappy shirts, and it stretched tightly across her chest. It was about all I could take. I almost pulled her over the damn table.
    "I'm getting another one," she announced before nudging Tommy to move out of the booth.  
    We both scanned her body. "Where the hell do you put it all for crying out loud."
    "What?" she smirked. "I have a fast metabolism." She walked away, and I couldn't help but watch her go. That skirt should be illegal.
    "Stop drooling. I thought you wanted to not see her?"
    "What was I supposed to say, she asked?" "You're a glutton for punishment, man."
    I shoved some fries in my mouth, waiting for her to get back. When she did, she had three more Big Mac's. "You can't be serious?" I asked. She scooted in next to me this time, shoving me over with her hip. She tossed one to Tommy, then to me. "You aren't going to let me eat alone, are you?" Then she took this huge bite, and their special sauce started running down her chin. The only thing I could think of short of licking it off her face, was to grab a napkin. Without thinking, I leaned over, dabbing her chin. Anything to touch her.
    "Oh, thanks." She smiled shyly, batting her eyelashes. "You can't take me anywhere."
    Tommy just huffed, shaking his head at me. And, I realized he was right. I was a glutton for punishment. I looked out the window, then back to them. "Listen, I need to head back in a few."
    Paige frowned. "Oh, I

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