Twist of Fate
I should start wearing those baby doll dresses and see if I can land a guy like him."
    My phone pinged, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt it was probably him waiting for me to come outside. "You could get anyone you want, and you know it." I grabbed my cell, tossing it in my bag. "Actually, you never have a problem in that department.
    She cranked up the music on the small dock with her iPod. "Yeah, but they look at me like a quick shot of whiskey; I come on strong, and I burn going down.   You, you're like a jello shot; sweet, and they can't resist having one more shot."
    I was about to walk out, but laughed out loud at her analogy. "What the hell are you talking about?"
    She sat at the desk we shared, and I watched her spin around in circles a few times, but then she stopped to look at me. "It means, that every guy I'm with tosses me aside after the first time, but you, they seem to never get enough. You should see the way some of those frat boys look at you. I'm telling you, Paige."
    I headed back in the room, gently placing my fingers on the back of the chair, then spun it around as fast as I could. "That's because I leave them with something you don't."
    Her head leaned all the way back, her eyes closed. "Yeah, what's that?"
    "Curiosity," I said, laughing, giving her a little flick on top of her head.  
    "I gotta go. I guess I'll see you later. Do you have plans?"
    She wiggled her eyebrows a few times. "Not yet, but you never know."
    I yanked open the door, smiling back at her. "Remember leave them curious, not satisfied."

    Matt was sitting in his car, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel, with his head tipped back against the black leather of the seat when I walked up. I tapped my knuckles on the glass to give him a head's up. "Hey," I said, sliding in.  
    His head remained leaning back, but he turned, opening his eyes. "Hey, yourself." His fingers were still drumming against the wheel, and he hadn't said another word. We were just sitting in the parking lot of my dorm, as he seemed to be enthralled with the sound of some gut wrenching noise coming out of the speakers. It wasn't until the last chord of the guitar blasted through that he finally sat straight up.  
    "You look nice," he said in between placing kisses on my lips.  
    "Thanks. You like heavy metal?"
    He laughed, running his fingers through my hair. "That's not heavy metal, Paige. It's Seether. They're a grunge band out of South Africa. You never heard of them?"
    "No, I haven't. It's not really my taste."
    He leaned back over to his seat, turning the music down. "So, I know I told you we could go grab a bite at that new place downtown, but I was able to get rid of my roommates for most of the night. I made dinner."  
    I dropped my head, fumbling with my fingers, nerves coursing through me at the thought of going back to his place. Alone!
    His hand reached over, squeezing my thigh, as he pulled away from the curb. "That's okay, isn't it?"
    I still hadn't looked up for fear that he was going to see the expression on my face, because I was almost positive all the color drained from it the second he told me his plan. "Paige, are you okay?"
    I took a deep breath, reminding myself that everyone was not out to hurt me. That I could do this. I could live a normal life, have a normal college experience. I slowly nodded my head up and down, mumbling, "Yeah."
    "Good because I made my mom's homemade pesto, and it took me forever." He looked over, grinning. "It's awesome. Wait until you taste it." For the entire five minutes left in the ride, I silently talked myself into putting on a brave face and to just get through the next few hours.
    Matt's apartment was only a few blocks away from campus. It was exactly what I thought it would be. The walls were white, each one covered in either a poster of a naked girl lying on a car, or some kind of advertisement for beer. The kitchen was small, connecting with the entire living area, which consisted of a maroon

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