Twist of Fate
though we could hang out tonight?" "I can't tonight. And, why aren't you with Matt? I thought you two were inseparable these days."
    She shrugged. "He said he had to study tonight."
    Tommy and I both exchanged looks. Matt never studied until the night before. And, it was Friday. I knew Tommy and I were both thinking the same thing. Matt's two-timing her suddenly. The shrill of, 'I'm sexy and I know it' came blasting out of my phone. I knew who it was since she programmed that damn song as her personal ringtone. And, like an ass I forgot to get rid of it.   Normally I wouldn't answer, but I had a date. "Yo."  
    "I'm not at the house. No. Give me twenty minutes." It was Michele calling. For some reason, I was about to break one of my cardinal rules and see her for the second time. She was alright, but not what I wanted. I'd let myself spend time with her since I was trying to forget about Paige, not because I was interested in a monogamous relationship.   "We gotta go. I've got to get back."
    "Ooh, hot date tonight, Benny?" She teased, bumping her shoulder with mine.
    I leaned over practically touching my forehead to hers, staring into those come fuck me eyes. "As a matter of fact, I do, beautiful."
    She pulled slightly back. "What?"
    In confusion, I just stared, and replayed my answer in my head. "Okay, what did I say?"
    Tommy leaned over the table, doing his head shaking thing. "You called her beautiful, shit for brains." I cursed myself for being such an idiot, but, at least it was out there.
    I shrugged, waving them both off, acting like it'd been no big deal. I rested my arm over her shoulder, deciding to go with it. "Oh, well, you are pretty."  
    She grinned. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure you called me beautiful."
    "Oh, give your ego a rest. I need to go."  
    We were in the car heading back when Paige poked her head up front. "So, who is it tonight?"
    I turned my head to the left to look over my shoulder. "It's Michele."
    She laughed out loud, and Tommy joined her. "What's wrong with Michele?" I asked, a little pissier than I probably should have.
    I twisted around so I could fully see her. "No tell me?"
    Tommy rested his hand on my shoulder, and squeezed. "Relax. We're just busting your balls. What's this the fourth or fifth time you're seeing her? It must be some kind of record."
    Paige's face was still in my peripheral vision, and I could see her holding back a laugh. "It's the third, smart ass."
    "Wow, two whole times. You must really like this one." Paige said, then she shifted her head over to Tommy's headrest. "Is Michele the one that wears those crazy short skirts you can practically see everything and wears all that nasty red lipstick?"
    "You got it, P," Tommy said, laughing.
    I slumped back in my seat. "I never should have said anything."
    Tommy glanced over to me, his hand reaching out touching my hair. "It's sweet. You're falling in love."
    "Bro," I punched him in the leg. "I don't do love, and you know it. She's a good lay."
    Paige made a sound of disgust before scooting back in place, And, I was left feeling like a total scumbag. Sometimes, I forgot she was with us, and forgot to keep my damn mouth shut.
    "Maybe I'll see you guys later." I bolted out and up to my room, leaving Tommy to drop Paige back off to her dorm.   I needed a distraction, a major distraction.

    Chapter 6
    "Is that what you're wearing on your date?" Ellie asked, as she circled around me, eyeing me from head to toe.  
    I shrugged one shoulder, as I stared back at myself in the floor length mirror hanging on our wardrobe. "What's wrong with it?   I like this dress."
    "Do you have something not so, I don't know...girly? You're going out with Matt frigging Sterling."
    "Did you forget that I am a girl? Besides, I like this one."
    She stepped to me, standing in front of me. "Well, I guess you can go with the whole innocent vibe. Guys dig that shit." Her fingers ran across my bangs sweeping them over to the side. "Maybe

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