Fractured Hearts (Shattered Lives, Book Three)

Read Fractured Hearts (Shattered Lives, Book Three) for Free Online

Book: Read Fractured Hearts (Shattered Lives, Book Three) for Free Online
Authors: Rissa Blakeley
for your loss.”
    “From the moment she figured out she was pregnant, she was so worried about the baby. Never once did she worry about herself. She was the most unselfish person on the planet.” He sighed and looked up at Josie, who sucked in a sharp breath when his emerald eyes fixed on her. Giving a small smile, he said, “She was afraid the baby would be like me. I’ll never know my little girl…so beautiful and fragile. You don’t realize how you feel until it slips away from you.” Nick’s voice caught in the back of his throat. His eyes traveled back down, fighting his tears. He played with the frayed strings at the hole in the knee of his jeans. Glancing back up at Josie, he wore a weary smile. “Sorry to dump on you.”
    “That’s fine.” The silence stretched thin, then she pointed at the guitar. “I play.”
    His eyes widened. “The guitar?”
    “Yeah. Does that surprise you?” she chuckled.
    “A little, I guess. I didn’t peg you for the musical type.”
    With a playful attitude, Josie put her hands on her hips. “And what type did you peg me as?”
    “One of those artsy emo chicks.”
    Josie smiled. “Nope. I couldn’t draw a stick figure to save my life.”
    A laugh erupted from Nick, then he did something completely unexpected. He pushed the guitar at her. “Here. Play something.”
    Waving her hands in front of her, she said, “Oh, no. I haven’t played in a while. Besides, I don’t want anything to happen to your guitar. It obviously means a lot to you.”
    “Come on. You can’t possibly hurt it.” Raising a brow, Nick added, “Unless you pull a Pete Townshend.”
    Josie laughed. “No. I couldn’t imagine smashing something so meaningful and irreplaceable.”
    “Come on,” Nick encouraged. “It’s like riding a bike.” Standing, he waved her to the chair. He smiled when Josie sighed and reached out, her fingers brushing over his, wrapping her small hand around the neck of the guitar.
    The nerves danced through Josie’s body as she sat in the offered seat. Looking up at Nick again, she noted his dark locks haphazardly sticking out from under his cap. Eyes lit up, the melancholy stare had temporarily faded. Second thoughts consumed her, but she felt compelled to do it after she saw how excited he seemed. She picked at the strings, shaking the rust off her fingers.
    Turning another chair around, Nick sat across from her. He pulled off his hat and his unkempt locks fell into his eyes. After shoving back his hair, he turned the hat backward so he could soak the whole scene in. His eyes drew her in, leaving Josie to chew at her bottom lip.
    “Don’t be nervous,” he murmured.
    Letting out a long shaky exhale, her eyes closed. Then she began playing and singing a version of Oasis’ “Wonderwall” that was tortured and full of despair. Her voice was full-on grit. Not fake or forced, but natural. For the few minutes she performed, Nick was mesmerized.
    When she finished the tune, Josie lifted her head and Nick was staring at her with an intensity she had never felt before. His mouth opened and closed several times, like he was trying to get his mouth and brain to work together. She swallowed hard, awaiting the criticism.
    After a shake of his head, he said, “ That was absolutely amazing.” Josie blushed. “Seriously, I’m blown away. Did you take lessons?”
    “No,” she said shyly. “I taught myself.”
    “Get the fuck out. And no vocal coaching, either?” He was astounded when she shook her head. “Well…shit. I feel like an amateur around you.”
    “Oh, god. You are so not right,” she laughed.
    “Play another,” Nick urged. She shook her head again and held the guitar out to him. “Come on. Don’t make me beg. I will, too.” He started to stand.
    “All right, all right,” she said with a smile.

    When Gunther saw Elaina walk into the cafeteria, he made his way to her, weaving around the tables and chairs. Pulling her aside, he said in a hushed tone,

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