Trinity Awakening

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Book: Read Trinity Awakening for Free Online
Authors: K.L. Morton
me of those male gymnasts on the still rings, toned, not to tall, not to short, strong but with none of those steroid type muscles." You could see a slight glow on her face as she remembered him catching her.
                  "What did he mean by 'just call my name and I will come,' it sounds like a one liner from a bad B grade movie..........seedy.  It was an unusual name, what was it again?" Emma asked. 
                  "Aarion...Aarion!" Trinny cried out his name in a mocking call as she said it a second time. They laughed. "I'll get us a hot chocolate, actually, I'll make it an ice chocolate, this heat is horrible!" Trinny got out of bed, she picked up the empty soda cans by the floor near the window and looked out towards the night sky, it was perfect and clear, the black was filled with stars that looked like dotted sparkles, it reminded Trinny of the star cloth backdrop on the school stage when she performed at the fundraiser cabaret night. As she looked down, she saw three shadows standing on the beachfront a few feet from her house. She jumped back in fright, falling over her shoes, then the bed, with Emma's legs breaking her fall.
                  "Ow, that hurt, how many times you going to fall and have someone catch you tonight?" Emma pushed Trinny off and rubbed her legs. 
                  "They're out there, those guys, on the beach front." Trinny was freaked out. Emma jumped up and turned the lights out in the room. She went to the window, and sure enough, they were there.
                  "We need to tell your mum, and maybe call the police."  Trinny and Emma ran to Lucille’s bedroom, she was still up and reading one of her favorite fantasy books. She could see they looked frightened.
                  " What's wrong girls ?" She asked with concern. 
                  "There are three guys outside the house and they followed us from the party...." Trinny and Emma proceeded to tell Lucille about the weird guys and what happened at Emma’s house. Lucille did not answer for a moment, but when she did, the calm in her voice took Trinny by surprise. 
                  "So they asked for your help Trinny? And they used your full name?" 
                  "Yes. Should we be calling the police mum?" Lucille sighed.
                  "No. I need to tell you something."  Trinny gave her mum a quizzical look and Emma sat down on the end of Lucille’s bed, her face filled with confusion. "When your dad was alive, he told me that one day someone may come and ask for his help, he said that when that happened, he would just have to go, no questions asked. He also said that if he were not around, then they would ask for you, they would use your full name and ask for your help. He said that I was to tell you to go."
                  "Go, go where? Mrs. Gaia, this is all very 'cloak and dagger,' but what does it really mean? Why would these guys need Trinny's help?" Emma was concerned for her friend; she knew that Trinny always escaped into herself when her father was mentioned.
                  "Trinny's dad was very special, and what he was, Trinny is the same. I loved him so much, and always trusted every word he said. He had a gift, there was something so magnetic about him, like he was the Earth and everything else was the moon revolving around him." Lucille was lost in a memory, it was Trinny's voice that cut through, she had been processing the conversation. 
                  "Dad told me once that I would one day feel drawn to certain things, people, places, he told me I was special and that I would some day be able to do things that might scare me at first, but that those things would ultimately help others. I thought every girl's Dad told her things like that, that it was part of the 'you are special' speech. But tonight I felt it, I felt that pull, and it was to those

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