pouncing cat.
As I walk into my lecture today, the roaring sounds of everyone talking instantly comes to a halt. I go about my routine, heading back to the corner seat I have inhabited the past two months. Everyone’s eyes follow me as if I am a bride walking down the aisle. The sudden outbursts of derogatory comments such as, “ slut ” and “ slapper ” rip through the silence, slashing right to my core. I have asked myself so many times lately, why did I decide to come here? But as soon as my mind utters the question, I instantly recall my promise and the hell I would have to confront if I were home. I am not ready to face that reality yet. I’d much rather deal with this situation than have to face my world back home, yet.
Quietly I stare straight ahead trying to ignore all the berating comments, when suddenly I catch sight of Callum. His head snaps straight up, glaring out at everyone with fiery darts of chastisement. The class instantly silences, other than a few snide remarks directed towards Callum. His eyes briefly lock onto mine as he gives me a half smile. Returning his sentiment I nod my head in a grateful gesture. Then I resume my traditional position, gazing straight ahead, waiting for Professor Bramble.
A sharp pain tears through me again as I grip the edges of my binder and try to ignore the Braxton-Hicks contractions I have been having all day. The stress I have been going through lately has not helped in this situation. They seem to be coming with more intensity and frequency. The muscles around my stomach harden, causing intense pain to hastily roll up in intensity. Slowly my stomach relaxes slightly as the pain begins to decrease back to a normal level. Trying to hide what is going on, I breathe out slowly, gazing right through the table until it all washes away.
Thankfully, Professor Bramble walks in. He is carrying a large stack of papers. Placing them on his desk he turns and faces us, “We have gone through a variety of subjects and now it is time to pull it all together. I want each of you to write a thesis about your favorite fictional protagonist.” The moaning and deflated sighs vibrate throughout the room. “I am so pleased that you are all excited,” he adds sarcastically. “But that is not all. I want you to take your character and do a comparison to the tragedies of your partner’s.”
Instant shock rolls through me as I close my eyes tightly in reaction to the horrific news. A sharp tingling sensation forms in my chest then drops, like a heavy rock into a still pond, causing a brutal contraction to develop within me. Doubling over in agony I grip my fists tightly under the table, as I hold my breath and wait for the intense pain to pass. Gratefully no one notices me, they are too busy whining and moaning over the apparent thesis we all have to do. Slowly the tight contracting of my stomach eases up, allowing me to open my eyes just in time. Mr. Bramble turns his attention toward me, “Miss Hayes and Mr. Hughes, I need the both of you to stay after.”
Callum remains facing forward. From the look of his frozen and erect posture he is in as much shock as I am. The grumbling voices slowly subside, transforming into an air of mocking and bantering back and forth. Most give comments on how they feel bad for him, while others state how he may just get something out of this situation. One chimes in stating, “You may be able to get your willy off mate, if you don’t hurl first.” Laughter begins to fill the room, while Callum’s body remains motionless.
“Mr. Beddows, you twit. I have had just about enough from you. Please exit my class.” Mr. Bramble’s tone, which is usually flat and reserved, is now firm with a cutting edge to it.
“What?” the rude guy I have come to know as Gavin Beddows, one of Callum’s friends, utters in surprise.
“I am hoping you are smart enough to understand what I mean. I don’t want to have to ask you again.”
Gavin grabs all his