Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love

Read Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love for Free Online

Book: Read Eleven Days: An Unexpected Love for Free Online
Authors: Lora Lindy
wondered how many caretakers t his lighthouse saw, how many ships of immigrants it guided. How many families were excited to see the light, knowing they would have a new start in America?
    She remembered reading if you came out at night you can see the past caretakers take their lanterns up the stairs. Listen to her , if she witnessed a lantern carrying ghost at that lighthouse, she would pack and head right back to Tennessee.
    Contently she thought t his was the life, sitting and listening to the waves, watching the gulls, and looking at the lighthouse. T his trip certainly brought her heart happiness. Meeting Mike just added pleasure to her soul. She never thought in a million years she would have met such a nice guy on vacation. That only happened in the movies, and she liked being in t his movie.
    After several weeks of dwelling on her sorrows and how she had been emotionally drained , n ow she found comfort in her surroundings. It's amazing how a death could change your feeling of well being. She felt somewhat scattered and sad the past several weeks. Today was the first day she hasn't felt that sadness, it didn't overtake her life. It was n't the focal point anymore. When family told her she needed a change of scenery to help a broken heart, they were right. A smile crossed her face as she snuggled in the blanket and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 7
    3:47 p.m.
    Boom, swish, splash, gurgle was the deafening sound that woke her . She ra ised straight up from the chair because i t startled her . T he cold shocked her , a beautiful and content type of cold. It was a good feeling, like going to a football game in freezing weather, with the face ice cold and numb. But the cold didn't matter because the home team won the game. Fans were excited about the win, they forgot about the weather. They didn't even care about their runny nose.
    Lana took one final deep breath before heading to the house. Glancing back, she wanted one last look at that incredible sight.
    As Lana shut the back door she could hear Mike working on the furnace like a busy little beaver. She noticed he added wood to the fire and she thought that was a thoughtful gesture . She could hear him putting tools in the toolbox, and she wondered if he finished.
    In the kitchen, she put the kettle on and looked in the fridge to find something for supper. Grill cheese and chicken noodle soup sounded great.
    Mike walked in the room just as she poured herself a cup of tea. He pulled a paper towel off the rack and wiped the muck off his hands, wiping off as much grunge as he could. Then he was hed them , using lots of soap and scrubbed them under the hot steaming water. "I have good news and bad ne ws, and which do you want first?" He asked as he scrubbed between his fingers and under his nails.
    She frowned and said. "Neither."
    He laughed and told her anyway. "The part is not a stock part and it won't be in until tomorrow or maybe the next day. They had a part that I thought might fit and unfortunately it didn't work."
    "What's the good news?" She held up a mug to ask if he would like some tea and he nodded.
    "There is plenty of wood in the bin."
    "I'm supposed to get up in the middle of the n ight and add wood to the fire?" She noticed Mike didn't look at her face as she walked by her. H e stared at her tight sweater.
    He cocked his left eyebrow and answered her . "I'll bring you some wood in and set it near the fireplace. All you have to do is throw it on the rack." He went through the motions as if he was throwing wood in the fireplace, but it looked more like he was shoveling coal. With his boyish grin he added. "I'll come put it on for you if you want me too."
    She thought for a minute he might be serious, or at least she kind of hoped. Please stay and hold me all night and keep me warm, she thought. In her heart she wanted him to stay and talk, but she also needed to listen to her brain. How should she word t his ? "Mike you are more than welcome to s tay for

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