another word out of his hat. Off the 'r' in nastier he plays report .
They toggled back and forth for hours and he's right, he's good. During the ardent games she noticed several times he glanced her way. When she caught him looking at her , she blushed. She thought she turned red more in the past two days than she had the past twenty years.
"What's the score? " Mike asked after the third game. He hoped she want ed to play another game. He wanted to stay, no doubt about that . He wanted to look at t his enticing and beautiful woman. Every time she looked at him, his heart turned cartwheels. He didn't play as well as he normally played, she distra cted him .
"I'm winning and do you really want me to tell you the score to make you feel bad?" She held the paper with the score behind her back.
"Are you really going to go there?" That move made him happy. It was an excuse to get close to her , to wrap his arms around her .
"Go where?"
Mike stood up and walked over to her and it was not a challenge for his long monkey arms to reach behind her . He didn't even have to stretch to get the paper. He looked down at the paper and raised his left eyebrow at her . "There is not one word written down on the paper ."
Her eyes danced with excitement as she teased him. "I forgot?"
Mike laughed hysterically. "You nut." Then he gave her a long intense hug. Neither one wanted to let go. The air got thick with sexual tension.
Taking a deep breath, s he wrapped an afghan around her shoulders and stood near the fire. She noticed the crocheted design was a scalloped loop, and like the rest of the house the colors were the deep the earth tone of browns and white . She needed a warmer blanket, but she didn't want to leave Mike to find one.
The wind howled letting them know it would be a cold night, and it sounds creepy. Bu t it didn't bother Mike. He went outside and brought in a bunch of wood and laid it on the fireplace stoop. "Do you think t hi s is enough wood? I have some at the side of the house I'm going to bring to the bin. I don't want you to have to go outside during the night."
"I think that ' s more than enough," she answer ed .
He walked over and stood in front of the fire next to her . Electricity was evident between them and neither of them said a word. She wondered what was on his mind. They shyly glanced at each other like two elementary schools kids with crushes not knowing what to say.
He walked behind her and deliberately rubbed her arms rapidly as though to warm her . His strong hands rubbed a little too hard, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want him to let go of his embrace .
With out seeing her face he asked. "Do you…" he paused and loudly swallowed. "…think t his is enough wood for the night?" He chickened out asking, do you want me to stay?
She w his pered with a cracked voice. "I slept on the couch last night and I slept just fine, so I 'll be alright tonight."
"Yes, but tonight will be much colder." God, he didn't want to leave her , he wanted to take her in his arms and keep her warm.
She could feel his breath on her hair and she closed her eyes picturing him behind her . It was like his emotions transferred from his heart to hers, through his fingertips. She licked her lips. They seemed dry all of a sudden. She knew he could feel her shaking, or maybe it was him. Should she lean back onto his chest? Oh God she wanted to, she wanted to melt into him.
Finally, he let go but stood in the same spot for a few more seconds. He took a deep breath then walked outside and brought in more wood, piling it high on the stoop.
He piled it so high, she knew she had to be careful taking wood off or it might fall on her foot. She walked over and gave him a hug as a good will gesture, to thank him for being thoughtful. He held her for a few seconds, but it was n't long enough. Every ounce of her body seemed to melt.
He backed up and longingly looked down at her . "I hate to leave you with out a heater," he w