as you will begin to sense them.’
Hui Yue nodded his head. Right now he did not need to know more about the laws, what he did need to know about was what the ones who had kidnapped Sun were like.
‘They should be from the closest village so we are going there after a few days of rest. Make sure that you train properly during these next few days, as we cannot waste too much time on this. Getting her back here is of utmost importance before the four of them can move on to the next dungeon.
Looking at the surroundings, Hui Yue could not help but wonder why these were called dungeons. It was obviously an entire world which was spreading itself throughout the entire continent but it did not look dead, it was filled with living beings, trees and plants. Even a sun and a moon were present within the underworld kingdom they now travelled through.
Having made all the kids go to bed, Hui Yue was seated with his friends in front of the bonfire where they warmed themselves. Being beneath the earth, inside a cave, the stone walls which surrounded them sucked in all the warmth which the sun had produced during the day.
The moment the sun had vanished and the warmth slowly got absorbed by the cave walls the previous comfortable temperature was changed, and a chilled humid air filled the cave, much like the weather felt on an autumn night on the surface.
“We need to rescue her, or if she is really not captured then at least bring her back here,” Hui Yue said, as he finished passing on Lan Feng’s words from earlier.
Seated at the back, Hui Yue was contemplating about the laws which had been mentioned earlier. Truthfully, Hui Yue understood that it was something which he would not encounter before he reached the upper dantian. He felt as though it was impossible to comprehend before the upper dantian was opened, yet at the same time there was these thoughts just out of reach, Making Hui Yue feel as though he would understand some of it at least, if he was to think just a little more.
But no matter how much time Hui Yue spent thinking, that feeling remained and he never caught hold of what exactly the laws were. With a sigh he stood up and decided to think about it when he had more time.
“Let’s go,” Hui Yue said with a low voice before he turned around and gestured for the friends to follow him. Silent as a shadow, the four young cultivators made their way through the forest and moved towards the village which had taken Sun.
Following the path set down by Lan Feng, Hui Yue quickly passed on information which he was being given on the way.
The village was not a big one, approximately a hundred people lived in it. They all earned their living through agriculture, and Lan Feng assumed that Sun had been caught for the sake of increasing their harvest by a noticeable margin.
Having gained every bit of information Hui Yue and the others nodded their heads, as they felt like they were much more prepared now than they had been before. Rushing towards the village, they hoped to get into contact with Sun without anyone noticing them and then convince her to return to the cabin to once more look after the seasons.
The forest had been dense, allowing one to only see a few meters in front of them, yet suddenly all the trees vanished, clearly removed for the sake of agriculture.
As soon as Hui Yue saw this he raised his hand and gestured to the others so that they stopped, slowly sneaking closer and closer, as they expected, a small village appeared outside the forest.
However as soon as the four of them broke through to the open clearing, they expected to see a village, but what they saw caused them all to stop in their tracks. They stood there, staring agape at fields which went on as far as the eye could see, and far off in the distance a city rose with pagodas reaching towards the dungeon’s ceiling.
“Well,” Hui Yue looked at the city in the distance and he