Thirteen Roses Book Four: Alone: A Paranormal Zombie Saga

Read Thirteen Roses Book Four: Alone: A Paranormal Zombie Saga for Free Online

Book: Read Thirteen Roses Book Four: Alone: A Paranormal Zombie Saga for Free Online
Authors: Michael Cairns
Tags: London, Zombies, apocalypse, Devil, God, post apocalypse, lucifer
fast, and he shouted in alarm as the floor rushed up to meet his face.  


    Things were simple now. He couldn’t remember a time when they weren’t. He couldn’t remember much of anything. Except the hospital. He knew how many steps there were and the numbers of every room and which corridors went where. He also knew how many index cards there were in the confidential records of over five hundred patients.  
    He was bored.  
    There wasn’t anything to do and discovering that losing most of his memories left his brain wide open for other things wasn’t much by way of a consolation. Although, knowing the hospital was fun. He thought it was fun. He couldn’t rightly explain what fun meant, but he thought if he did know, then it would be.  
    He knew the names of every lady. They were nice, as far as that went. He wanted to fuck them. All of them preferably, but any would do. He didn’t know why he wanted to have sex with them, it just seemed the right thing to do. He wasn’t sure what right and wrong meant anymore either. It was all about where you were standing at the time. Although, he had come to realise, he wasn’t standing anywhere.  
    Everything he saw came to him free of filters or prisms. He saw what happened and that was it. There was no judgment of it, so it meant nothing and couldn’t be wrong or right. It just was.  
    There was one memory, though, since the change, that kept bobbing back up to the surface. He remembered the soldier he’d bumped into when he left the demon’s lair. He remembered him so vividly, the look of amazement and the way his hands tightened around his gun. What was odd was that he remembered nothing after that. He remembered coming out of the church and nipping around the back of it to get close to Luke. But what happened in between was a mystery.  
    It didn’t bug him, because he didn’t really understand what it meant to be bugged, but he did recognise that it was odd. And it made him walk around, as though by using his whole body he could exorcise it and no longer be bothered by it.  
    He strolled now, down corridors that echoed the sound of his footsteps back to him, reminding him how alone they were. It was nice to be alone. He liked the silence. Something about that thought that made him wince. He’d been alone before. He shook his head. He couldn’t remember it but it was there.  
    His ears pricked up. Someone shouted. They’d said ‘Go’, which didn’t sound like something you wanted to hear these days. He picked up his pace, enjoying the clicks bouncing back and forth off the walls. There was a pattern to them, so he slowed and sped up, mind racing as he followed the different combinations.  
    Then he heard the thud that could only be something hard striking flesh, and everything changed.  
    He tried to hold on this time, to retain some part of himself as the mist fell, and he was successful. Partially. He was aware, but he had no control. He was only dimly aware of reaching the stairs and taking them four at a time. His balance was completely off and he started to totter. Somehow his feet caught up and he rushed down the stairs in a controlled fall.  
    There was someone at the bottom but he brushed past him, barely feeling the impact as he reached for the first zombie. Dave was moving fast and took the creature straight off its feet. They tumbled to the ground together, and with his teeth gritted hard enough to hear the grinding over the zombie’s frantic growling, he shoved his thumbs into its eye sockets.  
    He remembered this, but the eyes he’d squashed before had been firm. These were like fruit after it had gone off, soft and yielding. The heat was the most surprising thing. It was like plunging his thumbs into a bolognese sauce as it simmered on the hob. He went through the eyes and his thumbs sank into something else, something almost as hot.  
    The zombie stopped moving and Dave growled and shook the head around by the sockets. He yanked

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