Thirteen Roses Book Four: Alone: A Paranormal Zombie Saga

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Book: Read Thirteen Roses Book Four: Alone: A Paranormal Zombie Saga for Free Online
Authors: Michael Cairns
Tags: London, Zombies, apocalypse, Devil, God, post apocalypse, lucifer
what mattered.  
    They dashed down the corridor and up a flight of stairs, than back in the opposite direction. They didn’t see any zombies and the ladies were still in the rooms. A larger group were gathered together in the lounge area, sitting on the tables and talking in low voices. Dave watched Alex stroll over, metal bar close to the floor.  
    He spoke to one of the women. Dave thought she was very beautiful. Her features were symmetrical and in good proportions. Beyond that, he didn’t have a clue. He had, once. He had the vaguest sense he’d once have been in heaven being in this room. Now, though, it was just another room.  
    Alex came back, frowning and staring at the pole gripped tight in his right hand.  
    ‘Everything alright?’
    Alex glanced up at him and then back at the pole. ‘Not sure. I don’t think it is. Where’s Bayleigh?’
    ‘I don’t know.’
    ‘Let’s find her, shall we?’
    Alex walked straight past him without another word and out into the ward. Dave was about to follow when he glanced at the gathering of ladies. They were staring at him and the way their eyes glittered beneath the lights reminded him of something from before his change. He thought it was snakes, or maybe some other animals, gathered around prey. It would have been chilling, had there been any logical reason for it. Instead it was just interesting. Lots of things were interesting these days.  
    He jogged after Alex, catching him as he went into the room they had unofficially dubbed the private area for anyone not a lady. Ed spent a lot of time in here, reading the magazines and books they’d scrounged off bedside tables when they were cleaning the place out. Right now, both he and Bayleigh were in there, Ed buried in a book and Bayleigh staring out of the wide window.
    ‘Bay, I think we’ve got a problem.’
    Dave blinked. He’d spent most of the last four days strolling the corridors, counting things. He hadn’t heard Alex use that name for her. It was… surprising. Possibly. Bayleigh turned away from the window and nodded. ‘Yeah, me too. Harriet, right?’
    Alex blushed and Dave flicked his gaze back to Bayleigh. She was staring straight at Alex and maybe her cheeks were a little redder. He wasn’t sure.  
    Alex nodded. ‘That and more. Someone’s taken the device by the front door. I just, well, Dave and I just saw off four zombies but there’ll be more.’
    ‘Who’s taken it?’
    Alex shrugged. ‘No idea. Soldiers, I assume. It’s easy to do if you can find it.’
    ‘We should have hidden it better.’
    ‘Maybe. Doesn’t matter now. The hospital won’t be safe for much longer. I thought it had run out to start with. That’s going to happen soon.’
    All four of them nodded. It had been a reoccurring theme since they got here. It was why Luke and Krystal were out today. They needed supplies for the road, and a way to travel.  
    ‘What about Harriet?’
    ‘I just spoke to her. She’s got the other girls in a flap about Luke. Apparently we’re—’
    ‘Being led by evil incarnate. Yeah, I had the same chat. She’s a bit of a bitch, actually.’
    Ed and Dave both started and stared at Bayleigh. She looked at them, eyebrows raised. ‘What? She is. She knows she’s hot and uses it to lead Alex around by the you-know-what and she’s stirring up trouble. Luke saved her life and she’s bitching about him. I can’t think of a better word to describe her.’
    That was a logical argument. Dave thought Bayleigh might be a bit jealous but he had no way of knowing. There was body language, some way of finding out what she really felt. He needed to do some research. That would be useful, to know what lay behind the words people spoke.  
    Alex opened and closed his mouth a few times, face red, before he found something to say. ‘Anyone seen Jackson?’
    They all shook their heads before Ed spoke. ‘So what do we do?’
    ‘About what?’
    ‘Everything. What do we say to Harriet to stop her

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